No. 1

IOM Worldview News

Several years ago, IOM gave our word to bring you up-to-date worldview news from a Biblical perspective - we are now ready to deliver on that commitment.  We are honored to present to you IOM Worldview News.  At first we will publish this e-mail on a monthly basis - after evaluating the statistics, we may move the publication into a weekly format. 

IOM has partnered with news sources such as One News Now, World Magazine, Family Watch, The Patriot Post, Joel Rosenberg's Flash and more are being added weekly.  Each of these news organizations have come together to bring our readers their finest stories and IOM is pleased to be the "funnel point" to deliver their best to your inbox.  We are very excited about this new outreach to our ministry.  Now with over 38,000 IOM readers, plus readers from each organization, quality news from a Christian perspective will reach several million readers.     

This issue offers you a sample of how our news site will work but basically, news teams from each of our providers will locate critical news affecting indwelt Christians, put them into our funnel and offer you briefings of the full story - with links to the providers source page.  It is that simple, although it is important that you click on the "How Are We Doing" button to let us know just that.  This link will offer you a drop-down list of publications, box for a review statement, pros & cons and a way to recommend the publication to others.  We desire to make this email service a world class publication. 

Our new outreach is all a part of our Exchanged Life Global Initiative - servicing the Indwelt Christian world with quality methods of uniting workers of the Cross.  We hope you find this outreach helpful and enjoyable.

Dr. Stephen R. Phinney
Founder/Ministry Host
IOM America | International Fellowship of Exchanged Life 

  Email Dr. Phinney Your Comments

It is with great honor and relief I present to our readers my seven year project, the 500 page The Book of Revelation, The Final Battle. May you be blessed half as much as I was blessed in writing this historical review of one of the greatest books of the Bible.  Dr. Stephen Phinney


The book of Revelation has an individualistic character. Therefore, the writing of John may be misunderstood by a reader who does not understand Hebrew history, culture, customs, and manners. God is consistent with revealing Himself in the very manner He did from the beginning of man's time. Confusion oftentimes sets in when Christians attempt to unlock the mysteries hidden within these pages by their human skills alone.  Read More | Buy Book 

POLITICS: NARAL Stops God's Ministers From Being Born

NARAL Plan Uncovered to Destroy Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
  LifeSiteNews has uncovered a seven-point plan by the pro-abortion organization to collude with government officials and harass centers that help pregnant women carry their babies to term.  The steps include prosecuting centers for consumer protection violations, such as allegedly practicing medicine without a license, and denying the centers funding. Read More
CHURCH: 15 Emergent Changes Churches Can Expect in 2015


Even though God's Word never changes, His Church is always transforming. And according to new survey, churches are forecasted to undergo 15 major trends this year that are expected to evolve into permanent fixtures for congregations across the United States - ones that will likely change the way Americans do church.  Studying churches from coast to coast, LifeWay Research found 15 movements that will be noticed by America's churchgoers throughout the year. LifeWay, a Christian organization designed to equip church leaders with insight and advice to help them effectively minister to their congregations and communities in culturally relevant ways  Source: One News Now   Read More 


POLITICS: Netanyahu to Address Congress


To his credit, House Speaker John Boehner wasted little time in responding to Barack Obama's absurd assertion in the State of the Union that "we've halted the progress of [Iran's] nuclear program." To make the point that Obama's living in an alternate reality, Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11, specifically on "the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.  Source: Patriot Post  Read More  


Preview of the one of the best Christian worldview magazines in the world of news.
Learn and discover the Biblical details of the final battle between Ishmael & Isaac.
IOM: The Third Target
Will ISIS succeed in setting their sights on the third target and achieving genocide?
CHURCH: Lesbian Leads Seminary - Or Not


The search for a new dean may be the least of concerns facing an Episcopal seminary in Cambridge, Massachusetts.    


Katherine Hancock Ragsdale announced her decision this week to step down in June as dean and president of Episcopal Divinity School.  An open lesbian, Ragsdale is primarily known for her abortion rights advocacy. An example would be her 2007 speech in front of an Alabama abortion clinic in which Ragsdale led the crowd in a cheer of "Abortion is a blessing."  Jeffrey Walton, communications manager for the Institute on Religion and Democracy, says "friction" at the school was not linked to Ragsdale's sexuality or pro-abortion views, since the school is proudly liberal and "progressive."   Source: One News Now   Read More 


Gov. Bobby Jindal
POLITICS: Governor Stands Up to Sharia Law


A number of high-profile national security and conservative movement leaders are publicly praising Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a conservative and potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, for standing up to Sharia Law in a speech in the United Kingdom this week-and they're calling on other potential presidential candidates to weigh in on the issue  Source: One News Now    Read More 


Muslim Radicals
PERSECUTION: Christians Fleeing Africa


Dozens of churches have been burned in Niger following a depiction of Mohammed in the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo. Pastors have also lost their homes and Christians have been injured or killed.  Source: One News Now    Read More 


Stephen Meyer
EVOLUTION: Darwin Is On The Rocks


Stephen Meyer is director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute.  For folks who don't know, would you explain intelligent design? Richard Dawkins has said biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed. That's classic Darwinism: design without a designer. Intelligent design is the idea there are certain features and patterns in the living world-and the universe itself-best explained by reference to an actual intelligence rather than an unguided process like natural selection and random mutation...  Source: World Magizine    Read More


Pope Francis: One World Religion
REVELATION: Pope Picked to Lead One-World Church


Isn't it extraordinary how something long in existence can be suddenly re-proposed as a brilliant new idea? Politicians and educators, hoping we have memory problems, often do this to fool us into thinking they are working hard to improve a situation. Another audacious example of this strategy was recently provided by the Holy See's support of a proposal for Pope Francis's "United Religions" - coined by the Masonic order...  Source: IOM News:  Read More


Paperless Currencies
WORLD BANKING: Paperless Currencies By 2017


You will have to agree, that it is an impressive catalogue of benefits, which societies may ignore to their peril. We see no apparent reason why any government will refuse to implement it. Especially if one considers all the additional positive side effects, the application might have, like: reduction in policing needs, money production and distribution, reuse of the cash handling human resources to more productive economic sectors, the inevitable reintroduction into the economy the proceeds of previous illegal activities, the long term health benefits of the country's population, the reduction in health spending etc.  Source: IOM News  Read More 


I O M   A M E R I C A

IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit with the goal of helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative.  All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL).  Read Full Mission Statement

This publication is managed and owned by Exchanging Life Publishing.  Send editorial comments to:  
Kathy Hill: Colorado Springs, CO