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Satan has successfully used the world, and all of its influences, to bring a lighthearted attitude and mind-set regarding the kingdom of darkness. Just take a look at the enormous volume of books, movies, video games, T-shirts, music, toys, television, advertisements, internet, fashions, jewelry, and coarse, silly jesting that we are bombarded with wherever we turn!


The desensitization about Satan and his role in man's sin is a subtle, but strategic attack on God's divine creation - His blessed children. The enemy of this world sees to it that the world (his domain) laughs him off with indifference. Always remember this callousness is the most powerful tool the enemy has in defusing God's serious plan of redemption. Christians ought never to entertain crude joke-making, purchase degrading media products, or lightheartedly support Satan in any way. While believers need to exercise care in not assigning all of their wrongdoing as Satan's responsibility, we must with biblical insight, understand the limited power of Satan and his kingdom. Oppression and bondage is not a joking matter.


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In this issue, we detail the benefits of reading Dr. Phinney's new book, "The Book Of Revelation - The Final Battle."

It is with great honor, and relief, I present to you, our readers, my seven-year project . May you be blessed half as much as I was blessed in writing this historical review of one of the greatest books of the Bible.



Due to the descriptive prophecies that relate directly to the Roman Catholic Church, it is impossible to unfold the necessary details contained within the book of Revelation without addressing this church. It needs to be noted that I am by no means attacking the "born-again" believers within the Roman Catholic Church. I offer full support and encouragement to each True believer attending this church.

There are prophecies directly related to so-called "Christians" who are lukewarm. They have lost their first love, are worldly-minded, and are false believers. They fake being Christians and are dead to Christ-all members/ attendees of one or more of the Seven churches. As this study addresses each of these "types" of believers, it is not my intent to offend. As the book of Revelation addresses these "so-called believers," I must as well. Please consider the Author of Revelation over any content contained within this book. Read Full Review 

His Indwelling Life,

Dr. Stephen Phinney
IOM America
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Text Me:  602-292-2985
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"The Book Of Revelation - The Final Battle" is an extensive biblical study on the New Testament book of Revelation. This book contains over 400 pages of research, biblical study, and history on past, present, and future events that affect the Body of Christ.

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Battle For The Round Tower
By Preston Gillham

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Preston takes us again into the true world of spiritual life via this novel.  Returning to Gnarled Wood after two years away, Hank Henderson discovers that the risks have risen. He encounters a dark, spiritual world of subterfuge, black operations, and intrigue.  Powerful beyond what he realizes, Hank wrestles with distrust and doubt to become the man of his destiny.  Through the characters he creates, Preston shows us a powerful people called Believers and Christ-followers.

 About Preston Gillham
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