December 24, 2014 - In This Issue:

Jim Fowler has been a pastor at the Neighborhood Church in Fallbrook, California for the last twenty-three years. His wife, Gracie, and their five children (Philip, Charis, Kirsten, Sarah and Sandi) have been very supportive in Jim's teaching, preaching, and writing ministries.

Jim's educational background includes Manhattan Christian College, Friends University, New College-University of Edinburgh, Bethel Theological Seminary, Palomar College, and Jubilee Theological Institute.

In recent years, Jim has spent much of his time writing, as can be viewed within the resources of his website. He is currently researching and writing several other articles and books.

 Feel free to contact him at 


Practical Studies
"The purpose of Jesus' incarnational advent and His ministry here on earth as a man was not to establish a new religion, nor to inculcate a new teaching, nor to lay down a new morality system. Jesus came to bring Himself, the presence and dynamic of His own divine being, expressed in the humanity of one perfect man, so that He might be expressed as divine, eternal life in the humanity of all men. The gospel that Jesus brought was entirely Christocentric. There is no message of "good news" apart from the ontological reality of the very Being of God in Jesus Christ who is the essence of Christianity. Christianity is Christ!" - Jim

 Learn More About Jim's Studies:
"This book details the primary discussion of this year's World Grace Summit. I considered the discussion of "Dialectic Formatting" to be of the highest priority of dispelling Universalism in its attack on the true Church of Christ."  
"When Christians say the Christ-life is in them, they do not mean simply something mental or moral. When they speak of being "in Christ" or of Christ being "in them," this is not simply a way of saying that they are thinking about Christ or copying Him. They mean that Christ is actually operating through them..." ("Mere Christianity" Macmillan Publishing. 1978. pp.64-65). -C.S. Lewis

For over a decade now, Jim Fowler has been collecting Bibles for an exhibit that shows "The History of the Christian Scriptures." A new website has been developed to show featured items in this collection. View at 

Spirit Union vs. Fear
By Jim Fowler



We have all experienced fear and some of its common variations such as apprehension, anxiety, and worry. What are we afraid of? These can be boiled down to (1) non-personal fears, (2) interpersonal fears, and (3) intra-personal fears.


Non-personal fears include fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of what "might be," and fear of the future. These may also include fear of being in want, fear of sickness, bodily harm, or death, and a host of other phobias. How do we have soul-rest from these kinds of fears? Only in recognizing by faith that all unknowns are known in the sovereign omniscience of God. All change is His change; God is in all the change. All of the "might be's" are His opportunities. The future belongs to the eternal God who desires that we let Him take care of it, and instead focus on the "now" of God's present tense "I AM," without getting overly preoccupied with prophetic and futuristic concerns. The Psalmist understood, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Ps. 23:1), as was illustrated by God's supernatural supply for Elisha via ravens (1 Kgs. 17:4-6) and the perpetual supply of flour and oil for the widow (1 Kgs. 17:8-16). Even sickness and death cannot separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:35-39). God has everything under control, so when we are in spirit-union with Him, we can "take things in stride," resting in His love and sufficiency.


Then there are those interpersonal fears: fear of disapproval, rejection, loneliness, separation, and broken relationships. Fear of offending someone. Fear of what others think. Fear of our enemies. Fear of what will happen to our children or grandchildren. Soul-rest in the midst of these kinds of fears comes from understanding that we 'seek not the approval of men, but of God' (Jn. 12:43), who has approved (1 Thess. 2:4), and accepted us (Rom. 15:7; Eph. 1:6-KJV). If God has accepted us, we are accepted by the only One who counts! He is not going to reject us, desert us, or forsake us (Heb. 13:5). In spirit-union with the Trinity, we are never alone - for we are brought into the relation of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As the Psalmist wrote, "I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me" (Ps. 23:4, KJV). Jesus promised, "I am with you always" (Matt. 28:20). The solution to loneliness is not "get busy; get involved," but to recognize the union relationship we have with God and His people. Those who fear offending someone often need to understand that the problem is usually with people "taking offense," rather than our "giving offense," and Jesus was not at all concerned about the Pharisees' "taking offense" at what He did. Our desire is to 'please God, rather than man' (Gal. 1:10; 1 Thess. 2:4). It doesn't matter what others think of you or your opinions. You are free to be uniquely you, with your own thoughts and your ownopinions. We must not allow the opinions of others to control us. Fears of what will happen to our loved ones are relieved when we recognize that... Read Full Article 


All Scriptures, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the New American Standard Bible, � Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.  


Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, public domain.

Jim Fowler
P.O. Box 1822
Fallbrook, CA 92088-1822

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