December 3, 2014 - In This Issue:
Preston & Dianne Gillham
What To Expect...
"My typical engagement transpires either in person, during an off-site retreat, over the telephone, or via video conference. Each option has distinct advantages and a few disadvantages. Ultimately, I will do whatever it takes to ensure our work succeeds." - Preston

Learn More About What To Expect:
"I do not take partnerships lightly. In fact, I won't accept a partnership with a ministry leader unless we share the same identity - that of being in Christ and drinking from the same cup of the indwelling mind of Jesus.  Preston is one of those fellow believers I not only call friend, but a co-worker of the Grace of God!  I highly recommend the Lord's work through him to you."  
"Pres, I really, really appreciate your writing. You write out the struggles and fights I have with God. All the same questions, all the same thoughts. You give me amazing, amazing hope. Over the past few months your writings have been a light, a guide and an anchor to me. Thank you."   -Joy

"I found myself reading "Battle for the Round Tower" just as I did my initial reading of "The Chronicles of Narnia," which I first did as an adult. While there was clearly spiritual symbolism, the first time through I read almost entirely for the pleasure of the story. Then, I did a second, slower reading, intentionally hunting for and relishing each truth discovered on the journey. As a woman, I especially appreciated the juxtaposition of the rugged masculinity with the sensitive vulnerability of Hank."   -Tricia

God's Problem
By Preston Gillham
IOM: Battle For The Round Tower, Gillham
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If you were God, how would you solve your problem?


After years of being unapproachable, you desire to convey a different message. Yet your omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence are intimidating. Your absolute justice, commitment to truth, perfection, and holiness is scary and beyond even rudimentary comprehension. And the fact that you are sovereign doesn't help matters.


There are a myriad of voices regularly singing your praises, reinforcing your preeminence, squinting in your blinding light, and honoring your divinity. Your foes are vanquished, your wrath is legendary, and ... Read Full Article

Developing Genuine Leaders
pres, preston, iom, gillham True leaders are formed, not born. Leadership is demonstrated and grown and nurtured. In other words, leaders are developed.

They don't call it "human capital" for nothing. You are worth the investment and development and thoughtful care necessary to build your human capital.


None of us are designed to be islands. Even though we fancy ourselves independent, "one" is a lonely number. And, the greater the demand and expectation is on a leader, the more lonely life can be, which dramatically increases the risk of a mistake. I can help manage the risks to your reputation while developing your effectiveness as a leader and person.


We all need assistance segmenting our giftedness and responsibilities into meaningful and manageable skills. We all need someone who helps guard our backside and looks out for our blind spots. We all need someone to protect our potential while guiding our human development. This is especially true for those in leadership roles.   Learn More

Preston Gillham
2020 Wilshire Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76110-1714
(817) 585-4185

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