#47 Fruit for the Social Area of Life:
Gifts of the Spirit (part eight)
Knowing and discovering your Spiritual Gifts is a fun and exciting
journey. Always know there are many different types of gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, but it is one Spirit who works all these together. He is the One who distributes them. It is not something we can pray in, practice, or even study to attain. God gives each of these gifts as He desires. It works that way!
If others have gifts we believe are not as important, know this: God uses the lesser parts of our human body to support the major parts. For without the lesser parts, the major parts could not function at all. Can you imagine your body without the hypothalamus (one of the smallest parts of the body); for without it your whole body would be unmanaged and short circuit itself within hours? God places each human body part in its proper place, in order for the whole body to function under the loving command of God. All of our body parts work for doing what we are being told to do. God's order is for obedience. Obedience is for fulfilling the Great Commission of the Lord. We are gifted for His divine purpose and not our own (1 Cor. 12:11-21).
We need to give special honor - higher honor - to those we see as not as gifted as others (1 Cor. 12:22-23). For God Himself gives more honor to the lesser than the greater. In fact, He says He gives abundant honor to those who have smaller or behind-the-scenes gifting that lack honor (1 Cor. 12:24-25). We should do the same.
The Body of Christ is gifted in such a way that when one member of the Body suffers, the whole Body suffers. We are to respond by using our gifting to help and comfort the suffering Body member, restoring him or her back to functioning within the Body of Christ.
We can perform all the works of God, such as speaking in tongues of men and angels, casting our demons, healing the sick, leading thousands to the Lord, or even moving mountains with our faith. However, if we do not have a strong love life with God and man, these gifts are simply a lot of noise to God (1 Cor. 13:1-2). In fact, the Word goes as far as to say that if we do not have love when using these gifts, we are nothing (1 Cor. 13:2-3). Our love life with God and man is probably the most important item on God's agenda.
The only way these gifts profit us is if we... read more here.
Fruit for the Social Area of Life: Gifts of the Spirit (part eight). Copyright � 2014 IOM America. Permission to reproduce for educational purposes. Please keep author's name intact.
Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, � Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Dr. Stephen R. Phinney PDF version: click hereFounder/Ministry Host
IOM America/IFEL