PGA Banner 11-15-12
March 31, 2015

The Definitive-ish Bootcamp on Social Media in the Church,
Facilitated by Bruce Reyes-Chow

by Nicole Lock, Teaching Elder At-Large


If you have ever pondered the why's, what's and how's of using social media in the church, this might be the event for you! Beginning with a high-altitude look at some of the reasons why social media is so integrated into today's culture, we will then explore a variety of social platforms, name some best practices, and, finally, we will "land the plane" by walking through an up-to-date "Top 10 Social Networks for Ministry," "10 Online Tools that Might Change Your Life," "10 Things to Do When You Get Back to the Church."  You will be invited to tweet (#atlpcusa), Facebook, and experiment during this time.  Bring your laptops, tablets, and your questions, and be prepared to dive deeply into the theory and practice of digital ministry. While having an account on social networks is not required, Bruce invites you to dive in and sign-up for: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+, just to name a few.


8:30am-12pm, Saturday, April 11, 2015

Broyles Leadership Center, Columbia Theological Seminary

Click here for more information and to register online.

by Carlos Moore, Hunger member of Memorial Drive and the Hunger Walk/Run Team


The Hunger Walk/Run 2015 and the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta team's aim is to address hunger in Atlanta by making it a priority in our ministry.  Having 300 kids participate in the PGA worship and lunch program at HWR 2015 really highlighted this commitment.


The cornerstone of Hunger Walk is a coalition of 5 religious organizations - Episcopal Charities Foundation, Jewish Federation, Lutheran Services, St. Vincent de Paul, and PGA.  Before 2013, PGA had dropped out of the coalition until Pastor George Tatro stepped in to fill the leadership gap.  PGA went on to raise $12,000 in 2013, and $22,000 (an 87% increase) in 2014.  This year PGA raised just over $22,000 despite a formidable push to continue the upward trend.


Setting our fundraising goal for 2016 and effectively communicating the goal - starting early and keeping the message in the forefront - will make a big difference next year.


by The New Church Development Commission

Rize Community Church is a new, worshiping community located in the Pittsburgh Community of Atlanta reaching young adults largely between the ages of 21-35, and others outside of this age range. The Pittsburgh and other neighborhoods in urban Atlanta are faced with common issues of poverty, violence, dropout rates, etc., but also contain very rich traditions, brilliance and beauty. The "flow" at Rize enables us to engage the socio-cultural issues that impact our communities, seeking the Spirit of God for direction, viable responses and support. We have currently developed an educational institute and scholarship program, have collected hundreds of books for a library, and are beginning sacred conversations about HIV/AIDS ministry. It is our aim to call back to Christian community those who may be disconnected from church, who are wrestling with deep spiritual questions and concerns, or who find church to be irrelevant to their daily concerns.


Rev. Dr. Maisha K. Handy, called "Pastor K" leads this vibrant church. She is currently Associate Vice President of Academic Services/Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Christian Education at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC). In September 2013, the cadre of leaders at Rize gathered for development sessions. On February 1, 2014, Rize launched Sunday worship services. Subsequently, Rize received a Seed Grant from the 1001 Worshiping Communities Initiative of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is thriving. 


Rize is on the move! We are excited about what God is doing and strive to what our motto states, to be a worshiping community that is "Spiritually Dynamic, Theologically Substantive, and Culturally Relevant!" Drawing from the best practices of church and cultural traditions, we create an inclusive space where all are welcome and can connect to God and on another in ways that change lives. Just as Christ is risen, we too are called to live a resurrected reality. It's time to Rize! Click here to read the full article.


Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo

by Karen Hartley, member of Carrollton Presbyterian Church


Cursillo - "Cursillo de Christiandad" - is defined as a short course in Christianity.  It is a three day spiritual retreat in learning about God's love and Christ's will for us. Cursillo provides a foundation for both individual and community spiritual growth.  It is an opportunity for Christians who want to "step up" their relationship with Christ and to have a greater impact on their environments in response to God's call beginning with a 3-Day Weekend where grace, spiritual growth, and community are combined in a fun and energetic way and continuing for a lifetime.


The weekend includes chapel each day, communion, small group discussions, sharing, music, singing, laughter, and prayer. Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo (GPC) weekends are held twice a year at the very comfortable Pinnacle Retreat Center in the beautiful North Georgia Mountains of Clayton, Georgia.


We invite all Presbyterians to join us this spring, April 16-19, or in the fall, October 29-November1. The cost is only $100 per person all inclusive. For more information and to register, see or contact Debi Elkins, Registrar, at 678-640-0808 or email her at  Click here to view a flyer for pastors on the Cursillo.

by Annette Houtz, Office Manager, Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church


The Administrative Personnel Association is an organization that offers opportunities for professional development and personal growth for those called by God to serve as support staff of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  This mission is accomplished by providing continuing education events for certification and occasions for fellowship, worship and spiritual nurture and prayer at National and Regional Conferences as well as seminary and presbytery sponsored training events.


You may ask why you would want to be a member of the Administrative Personnel Association (APA) or why as a pastor would you want your administrative staff to be members.  APA was created for the express purpose of providing an organization for the support staff of the governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that would provide continuing education, professional growth, networking and fellowship for its members.  It was established to improve the quality of professionalism in those offices that are usually the first point of contact with congregations, governing bodies, boards and agencies of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Click here to continue reading this article and to find out how join.

by Chip Blankinship, Congregational Consultant and Director of Operations


The Grants Committee of the PGA Council is now accepting applications for Youth and Young Adult Grants.  These grants provide funds to PGA congregations to be used for creative, innovative approaches to ministries on behalf of young people, and will be awarded up to $5,000.  The application is available on the PGA website and may be reached by clicking here.  The document contains information about the grants and instructions for applying.


The deadline for these grants is 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 30.  No applications will be accepted after that date, so please begin working on your applications soon!  Questions may be directed to the Grants Committee,

by Donna Wells, Stated Clerk


Committee on Ministry is committed to seeing all our clergy (excluding Honorably Retired unless serving a church) participate in the new Boundaries Training (previously known as Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training) by the end of 2015. The next training is this Saturday, May 2ndWe will discuss boundaries in the areas of social media, friendships with parishioners, and sexual misconduct prevention to name a few.


The upcoming training will be from 9:00am - 12pm in The Lodge at Peachtree Presbyterian Church (the building across from the church... 3434 Roswell Road NW, Atlanta 30306).  The cost is $30.  Please register and make your payment by clicking here.  You may also register for one of the final two offerings on August 30th or October 27th.

by Chip Blankinship, Director of Operations and Congregational Consultant


The Presbytery has available on a first-come, first-served basis a 17 foot square, brown, bound area rug for use in one of our churches.  The rug is available free of charge to a church willing to come and pick it up.  If interested, please contact Chip Blankinship at


April 9 - The Agony & Ecstasy of Preaching Workshop@ St. Andrews PC
April 11 - Bruce Reyes-Chow Workshop @ Columbia Theological Seminary
April 16-19 - Georgia Presbyterian Cursillo @ Pinnacle Retreat Center
April 25 - Youth Climate Convergence @ Decatur First United Methodist Church
May 2 - Boundaries Training @ The Lodge, Peachtree PC
May 14 - The Agony & Ecstasy of Preaching Workshop@ St. Andrews PC
May 19 - Stated Meeting of the Presbytery @ Good Shepherd PC
May 19 - Clerk Training following Presbytery Meeting @ Good Shepherd PC

The next newsletter will come out in late April.  Articles will be accepted through April 13th.  Email your Congregational Consultant or Mark Sauls at to request space for an article.