Parkmead Elementary 
Weekly e-Newsletter
January 15th, 2014
In This Issue
Principal's Message
2014 Science Fest
Camp Panther
Upcoming Events

Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - No School

Jan. 24th - Camp Panther

Jan. 31st - Science Night


Feb. 14th -17th President's Day Holiday - No School

Feb. 18th - Staff Development Day - No School

Feb. 27th - Science Fair 

Feb. 28th - Early Dismissal

Message From The Principal 



"It's a question of discipline," the little prince told me later on.  "When you've finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend your planet."~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, 1943, translated from French by Richard Howard 



* Do what you are supposed to do

* Persevere: keep on trying!

* Always do your best

* Use self-control

* Be self-disciplined

* Think before you act - consider the consequences

* Be accountable for your choices


COLOR: Green - as in being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak.

I hope you all had a wonderful break. Happy New Year! Here are some important upcoming events:


PARKMEAD WINTER FORUM is on Wednesday, January 22 from 6:30-8:00. 


The Winter Forum is a chance for parents to give feedback and ask questions about the program and culture at our school. Here is the agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Parkmead Parent Groups Structure and Donations - How your donations are spent
  3. Group charting of parent feedback and questions on areas like:
    • English Language Arts Curriculum
    • Math Curriculum
    • Art/Music/PE
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Common Core State Standards
    • Character
    • Safety
    • Lunch and Recess
    • School Culture...
  4. Group Questions and Answer Session

The forum is a time to listen and participate for all parents. Keyspot will provide free childcare (Thank you PERC) for K-5 aged students.



At 7:00 p.m. on the Thursday, January 16, in the WCI library, parents and their fifth, seventh and/or eighth graders will be invited to hear about the wonderful WCSD ROPES program brought to us by our superintendent, Dr. Patty Wool.  Flyers should have come home with fifth graders this week. Information packets will be given out at the January 16th meeting.



Azalea Circle Drop-Off and Pick-up

  • No Parking in staff spots and handicapped (with out an appropriate placard)
  • No Parking around the circle
  • Drop-off = PCS K ONLY (Rooms 1, 2 and 25)
  • Pick-up = PALS I, II, and III and PCS Rooms 4 and 5

Newell Drop-off and Pick-up

  • Stay in car
  • No Parking in staff spots and handicapped (with out an appropriate placard)
  • No Parking in drop-off and pick-up areas (7:55-8:30 and 2:05-2:50)
  • Drop-off = PCS 1st-5th (including 1st from Room 25), PALS I, II, and III
  • Pick-up = PCS 1st-5th, PALS and Room 25 K

Do not drop-off or pick-up students off in the middle of the street or an intersection.

2014 Science Fest

Our annual Science Fest commences in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) on
Friday January 31, 2014 with Science Night. Parent volunteers will organize hands-on activities, exhibits demonstrations and games! (This is a prelude to "Science Fair" which happens later, in February).


Register Online: Now is the time to register your kids' projects for the 2014 Science Fair which takes place February 27th. Students will showcase their own projects in the MPR.


To register, go to our website and scroll down to the "Register Here" icon.  We also need more volunteers. Use the link for "parent volunteer sign-up" for both Science Night and Science Fair. Full details are on the website.


Science is Cool!

Camp Panther is back!

Due to popular demand, Camp Panther is returning to Parkmead Friday, January 24th.  Feedback from last year indicated that parents and students wanted a longer event and we are planning to deliver!  Plan a parent's night out--Drop off will be at 4:30 and pick up at 8:30. Cost of tickets will stay the same at $35, to include 2 activities, dinner, DJ/dance party and a movie. More information will be coming home in your children's backpacks this week and sign-ups will begin Monday, January 13th.  Space is limited and activities will be first come first serve--so talk to friends and don't miss your opportunity to participate.  Thank you to all of the teachers who donate their time to make this such a fun event.  You will be able to sign up at All proceeds will go to PERC to support services at our school.  Thanks for supporting Parkmead!!!


If you have questions, please contact Leslie Shafton at


Happy New Year! January Donation Update


Thank you to all who have made your  2013-2014 WCEF donation! To date we have raised $609,000.  It is important for all our families to contribute in any amount that works best for them.


Join our SUSTAINABLE DONOR PROGRAM: WCEF is launching a new campaign to secure ongoing funding and help parents by spreading their payments to WCEF out over the course of the year. Many families are taking advantage of our online giving plan and setting up monthly deductions that are ongoing for the duration that your child is in school (setting up 12 and 24 months of giving at a time depending on the expiration date on your credit card). For more information please contact Liz Davis at or call 925 933 9233.


If you have yet to make your 2013-2014 tax-deductible donation to WCEF, please consider making it today! Your donation is needed now to meet this year's program, staff and materials funding needs; our students are counting on all of us!



When your phone rings this month, picture us on the other end!

At the end ofthe month volunteers we will be calling many of our families as part of our WCEF Phone Bank outreach.


With Your Support...

  • Libraries stay open.
  • The arts come alive. 
  • Children feel safe.
  • Teachers excel.
  • Students learn more.
  • Creativity blossoms.
  • Minds and bodies thrive.

If you have yet to make your 2013-2014 donation please DONATE ONLINE TODAY!


Community Information and Flyers

These flyers are updated on a weekly basis. Click here to find district flyers and to download the information that interests you.  


Cheerleading at Las Lomas Junior Knights Program

Basketball Cheer Clinic for elementary school age girls

Cost Includes Tee, Poms and Hair Bow


Las Lomas High School Annual Rummage Sale

Sale on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Donation Needed

Bring donations to Las Lomas High School Saturdays from 10am-2pm

Jan. 4 through March 15


Walnut Creek Library Foundation

6th Annual Student Poetry Contest

Students at Walnut Creek Schools are invited to enter

Celebration of the City of Walnut Creek's 100th birthday


National Charity League Walnut Creek Chapter

Mother-daughter philanthropic organization

6th -8th grade girls information session Wednesday, January 22, 7pm

Walnut Creek Intermediate, Room 101


e-News Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline for Weekly eNews is Monday at 5:00 pm 
  • Send all weekly eNews submissions to and 
  • Copy Principal Chris Reddam ( ) on all submissions
  • Articles should be submitted in the body of an email - not formatted or in another file
  • Attachments cannot be included in the eNews, but articles can be linked to a website
  • Please provide all necessary links for images and websites 
  • Articles are run for one week, submit a new article for resubmission if needed

Community information must be sent to the District Office for approval.  Please click here for the procedures.