"It's a question of discipline," the little prince told me later on. "When you've finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend your planet."~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, 1943, translated from French by Richard Howard
* Do what you are supposed to do
* Persevere: keep on trying!
* Always do your best
* Use self-control
* Be self-disciplined
* Think before you act - consider the consequences
* Be accountable for your choices
COLOR: Green - as in being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak.
I hope you all had a wonderful break. Happy New Year! Here are some important upcoming events:
PARKMEAD WINTER FORUM is on Wednesday, January 22 from 6:30-8:00. The purpose of the forum is to get feedback and input from parents that will help in our planning for next year. The forum will be followed by an online parent survey that will help us gather more information about planning for next year. We want to hear your voice...please try and attend.
At 7:00 p.m. on the Thursday, January 16, in the WCI library, parents and their fifth, seventh and/or eighth graders will be invited to hear about the wonderful WCSD ROPES program brought to us by our superintendent, Dr. Patty Wool. Flyers should have come home with fifth graders this week. Information packets will be given out at the January 16th meeting.
On Friday the Student Council will hold a Friday Flick. This is when we show a movie in the MPR from 2:30-4:00. There is no admission. However, there is a suggested donation of $2 at the door, plus snacks will be sold. The money raised will go to help hurricane victims in the Philippines. There are staff members supervising so your child can go right to the MPR after school. Please arrive for pick-up promptly at 4:00. RSVP to