Parkmead Elementary 
Weekly e-Newsletter
November 13, 2013
In This Issue
Principal's Message
Turkey Trot
Reminders from Emily
One Warm Coat Drive
Educating the Whole Child
Wellness Committee
Upcoming Events


Nov. 20 - 22 Parent Conferences - Shortened Day

Nov. 25 - 26 - Parent Conferences - No School 

Nov. 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School

Principal's Message



"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of kindness:

--Kindness in your face

--Kindness in your smile

--Kindness in your eyes"

Mother Teresa



  • Be kind
  • Be compassionate and show you care
  • Express gratitude
  • Help people in need
  • Forgive others
  • Show generosity


A huge THANK YOU to all Parkmead parents who have served, or are currently serving in, the armed forces Your service to this country is so appreciated. Thank you.



Parent Conferences are scheduled for the minimum days on November 20-22 and the non-student days of November 25 and 26. Your teacher will notify you of the designated time. Please make sure to attend as this is the time for your child's teacher to share important insight about your child's progress.



The trimester ended on October 31. You will be receiving your child's standards based report card very soon (most will receive this at the parent-teacher conference). For more information on the report card please click on the following link:



The walk-a-thon was a success. The sun was shining, the music was pumping, and the children were walking, running, and smiling. Thank you to Leslie Shafton for organizing this event. Another thank you to all the parent volunteers that helped stamp and feed our walkers. Donations/Pledges will be accepted through 11/22.


Chris Reddam - Parkmead Principal

WCEF - Turkey Trot 


"My friends and I love volunteering at the Turkey Trot. It is a great start to Thanksgiving Day supporting my school and my community!"      --Las Lomas student




Join your classmates, friends and neighbors at the 21st Annual FORMA Gym Turkey Trot 5K/10K/ & Kids Fun Run. Here's how you can join in and  support WCEF!

  • Register here to RUN!10K, 5K and Kids Fun Run.
  • VOLUNTEER! We need 200 volunteers to help make this event a success. There are many days (11/26, 27, 28) and time frames you can choose from! Be home to put your turkey in the oven!
  • SPONSOR A RUNNER!  Help WCEF raise money for important school programs by asking your family and friends to sponsor your run. Prizes awarded to the top fundraisers.
Parkmead Walk-A-Thon 

Thank you to both PCS and PALs children for participating in this year's Walk-A-Thon! A great time was had by all. Thanks to those who volunteered and donated fruit to make it a wonderful day! Donations are due by Friday, November 22nd. We hope that your family will help us to reach this year's goal!


Special thanks to: Gill Nottman, Martha Goodavish, Shannon Park, Amy Kemmerer, Debbie Fitch, Erin Lewis, Meagan Henderson, Sarah, Le-Lan Jorgenson, Jenny Bohm, Ally Thorndike, Marcia Ianoski, Amy Jenson, Tanya Rogow, Amanda Warren, Bethanne Gardner, Michelle Antici, Stacy Lundholm, Isabel Wong, Susan Lakin, Sophie Lay, Marcy Mcleran, Adina Zinn, Elissa Lawson, Jennifer Johnston and all of the countless others who helped to make the day possible!

Thank you for supporting our school!!!

One Warm Coat Drive
Do you have an extra coat in your closet?  Do you have coats that your family has outgrown? Winter is coming, and one warm coat can make a difference to someone in need.  Parkmead Girl Scout troops will be collecting clean, reusable coats as part of the "One Warm Coat" drive,
November 20th - 22nd . Girls will be available with collection bins during drop off and pick time, as well as have bins around campus. Coats should be gently used or new and we need all sizes. 


Please email Heather Petrocco with questions or visit for more information about this wonderful program. 

WCEF - Educating the Whole Child 

Educating the Whole Child: Your WCEF Donations at Work

Teacher Collaboration and How It Benefits Your Child


Note: To read the entire article, click here.


Most parents know that their donations to WCEF provide weekly art, music, and PE instruction for their students. Students look forward to these 45-minute classes that occur during one afternoon of their school week. The specialists who teach these programs work hard to plan classes that are instructional, engaging, and fun - aligned to the California standards and frameworks.


What parents may not know is how important this time is for their children's teachers. While your children are enjoying these specialty classes, our teachers work in grade level teams to plan curriculum, to study student progress, and to learn new strategies and techniques to provide an even better education for our kids.

In 2008-2009, due to state budget, the number of weeks of these specialty classes was cut from 31 to 25 weeks, dramatically affecting the time dedicated to research, study, and planning. Two years later, because of your donations to WCEF we were able to add back two weeks, which helped greatly in terms of teachers' professional development and analysis of student data. We currently continue to offer 27 weeks of Art, Music and PE for the students and 27 weeks of professional collaboration time for our staff.


Principals and teachers want parents to know how very important this time is to us, especially as we move forward with the Common Core. We thank you for your support of WCEF. If you have not made your 2013-2014 WCEF donation please do so today! Thank you!


Wellness Committee 

Healthy Eating

To control your appetite between meals, snack on a small handful of nuts. They're heart-healthy and waistline-friendly.


Do you still shun heart-healthy nuts, believing that their fat content is going to expand your waistline? Well, don't! Research shows that eating nuts in moderation can actually help you maintain your weight. The trick, of course, is figuring out exactly what an appropriate serving looks like - and then sticking to it. In general, a handful of nuts, or about an ounce, translates to a single serving. All nuts, from almonds to pistachios to pecans and even macadamias, have plenty of cholesterol-lowering nutrition like fiber, unsaturated fat, vitamins, minerals and plant sterols packed into them.


Physical Fitness

Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Exercise Can Prevent a Cold

People who exercise regularly are less likely to get a cold, researchers say. A study of 1,000 people found that staying active nearly halved the odds of catching cold viruses and, failing that, made the infection less severe. Experts told the British Journal of Sports Medicine that this could be because exercise helps bolster the immune system to fight off bugs.


Adults can expect to suffer two to five colds per year. This latest research suggests there are lifestyle choices you can make to improve your odds of either avoiding them, or at least not suffering too badly from them.


Being older, male, and married seemed to reduce the frequency of colds, as did eating plenty of fruit, but the most significant factors that reduced the number of colds was how much exercise a person did and how fit they perceived themselves to be. Feeling fit and being active cut the risk of having a cold by nearly 50 percent!


Go Green

Instead of sending old rugs to the landfill, check with local animal shelters to see if they can use them. Old towels, blankets and sheets are also appreciated.

Community Information and Flyers

These flyers are updated on a weekly basis. Click here to find district flyers and to download the information that interests you.

e-News Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline for Weekly eNews is Monday at 5:00 pm 
  • Send all weekly eNews submissions to and 
  • Copy Principal Chris Reddam ( ) on all submissions
  • Articles should be submitted in the body of an email - not formatted or in another file
  • Attachments cannot be included in the eNews, but articles can be linked to a website
  • Please provide all necessary links for images and websites 
  • Articles are run for one week, submit a new article for resubmission if needed

Community information must be sent to the District Office for approval.  Please click here for the procedures.