Parkmead Elementary 
Weekly e-Newsletter
October 9, 2013
In This Issue
Principal's Message
Science Night Survey
Red Ribbon Week
Parkmead Carnival
Parkmead Garden
Box Top$ for Education
Upcoming Events

Oct. 11th - Spirit Friday

Oct. 14th - 18th Red Ribbon Week

Oct. 26th - Fall Carnival

Oct. 31st - Halloween Parade

Oct. 31st - Short Day - Dismissal at 12:20


Nov. 1st - District Staff Development Day - No School

Nov. 11th - Veteran's Day Holiday - No School 

Principal's Message

The Character Theme for October is RESPECT

"If you have some respect for people as they are, you can be more effective in helping them to become better than they are." --John W. Gardner


Respect: Yellow or Gold - like the Golden Rule

* Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule

* Be tolerant of differences

* Use good manners, not bad language

* Be considerate of the feelings of others

* Don't threaten, hit or hurt anyone

* Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.



Please make sure you sign-in to the office if you are on campus during school hours. This includes parents who are here for special events (i.e. Magic, Walkathon...)



On January 1, 2013, a new bill, AB 1575, became law. This law prohibits any direct or indirect solicitation of "fees" by a school. Any and all funds collected from parents must be completely voluntary with no repercussions on the student if those donations are not made. This includes classroom supplies and field trips. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.



Each year we have a whole school auction. The money raised fully supports many whole school staff and materials, including our science specialist, technology specialist, and all of the technology on campus, including our recent purchase of iPads and Chromebooks.


I am sending out a personal request for an AUCTION DONATIONS CHAIR. This is a critical position that will bring in dollars for important staff and materials. If you are interested please contact Jeffery Neve (



Friday will be our first Spirit Friday. Students and staff are encouraged to dress in their Parkmead attire or wear blue. We will have a Student Council supported Spirit Friday each month. Hooray for PARKMEAD!



Chris Reddam - Parkmead Principal

Science Night Attendance Survey 

Parkmead Science Fair committee would like to survey your interest in attending Science Night in January 2014. The goal of Science Night is to get students excited about science and to think about their Science Fair projects. It will likely take place in MPR 6:30-8:00 PM during a weekday evening.


If there is not sufficient interest to attend, we will not organize Science Night. However, if there is an overwhelming interest, we will invest a significant part of our budget to make it special. For example, we may offer a science show by Chabot Science Center or other science outreach programs.


Please complete the online survey below by October 31, 2013.




Do you have family and friends living in Rossmoor?

Rossmoor Friends of WCEF Club:  Education Funding Talk at Rossmoor

Do you have family and friends living in Rossmoor who are interested in our local schools? Please let them know about the Rossmoor Friends of WCEF club meeting at Rossmoor on October 17 at 4:00 p.m. in Creekside Rooms 1&2. John Nickerson, Superintendent of the Acalanes Union High School District, will be presenting on California's new funding model for education and how it affects Las Lomas High School. For more information, please contact April O'Dea at or 210-1168.





Don't let the name confuse you! First Friday Business Deals Good All Month Long!

Check out our October First Friday and the businesses supporting our schools and students. These businesses have invested in our students' education and are offering special discounts throughout the month of October - just be sure to mention WCEF!


Thank you to our partners at Extreme Pizza. Together we raised $863.50 for our students!

Thanks to all who ordered in September. Remember you can use code WCEF10 all year long and get 10% off your order and 5% comes back to our kids.


Red Ribbon Week 

Next week, Parkmead will celebrate Red Ribbon Week. We will provide lunch time activities to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles.


Monday            How much sugar is in your beverage?

Tuesday           Quiz show - Nutrition 101

Wednesday       Healthy food tasting - Kids can sample a variety of healthy foods.

                        Encourage your child to challenge his/her tastebuds!

Thursday          Please have your child wear RED to support a healthy heart and body!

                        Encourage your child to participate in the Walking Club.  


Throughout the week, teachers will teach the kids new recess games.  Look for healthy lunch/snack recipes in the Weekly E-news. Thanks for your support!


Parkmead Wellness Committee

Parkmead Carnival - Saturday October 26th 3:00 - 6:00 pm

The BOO-TASTIC Parkmead Carnival is BACK! 

Grab your ghosts and goblins & descend upon this year's best of Hallow's Eve carnival. Don't miss out on this longstanding Parkmead Halloween tradition! Harrowing carnival games, Games 2U video van, giant jumpies, classic carnival fare, & The Great BOO! Bakery will dazzle your ghoulies' senses.


Is your inner witch delighting in making the magic happen??? We are in need of Set-Up, Clean-Up, Ticket Booth Sales, Prize Booth, Rover / Fill-In.  Sign up HERE!


Don't forget; look for more information for the classroom carnival games from your room parent. See you at the carnival! Mwa ah ah ah aaahhhh....


The Great BOO! Bakery

Calling all Patisserie Chefs & Confectioners! Celebrate the coming of Hallow's Eve by joining The Great Boo! Bakery at this year's Parkmead Carnival in their quest to capture all the tasty and visual delights of the season. We are in grave need of Hallow's Eve inspired (& decorated) delights provided by your hands and imaginations...cakes, baked breads (both sweet & savory), cupcakes, cookies, cake pops, muffins, confections for the "candy BOO-ffet" & don't forget gluten free treats too! The more the scarier! Drop off the day of any time between 12:30 - 2pm (location TBD). Please contact Kirsten Cox at  for any questions.


We will have healthy food options available at the Carnival as well. The Wellness Committee is looking for healthy snacks and baked goods (including gluten free options). If you would like donate any goods or help with the bake sale, please contact



Attention Teachers, Parents and Parkmead Kids!


Check out what is growing in our school garden. Join the Fun and Garden with us at Recess and/or Lunch time. We have volunteers who will lead the kids in gardening activities and teach them gardening facts. Anyone is welcome; you might get dirty and have a lot of fun!!! So, come visit us at Recess/Lunch. See times below.


Volunteer schedule:


Elham Gheytanc        every Monday 10:00-10:30 Starting 9/23

Kirsten Cox               every other Tuesday 10:00-10:15 and Lunch on Tuesday 11:30-11:50.

Beth Harris                every other Thursday 10:15-10:30 Starting October 10th

Sally Yousif               every other Thursday 10:00-10:30 Starting October 3rd

Jennifer Pickett          every other Wednesday 10:00-10:15 back at 11:30-11:50 starting Oct 2nd

Martha Goodavi          Friday lunch recess from 11:30-12:00


We are still looking for volunteer recruits to help us lead gardening at recess/lunch. If you are interested please contact Beth Harris at



Box Top$ for Education 

Watch Our Treasure Grow

Ahoy Parkmead! ARRR ye ready for a Challenge? Keep an eye on the treasure chest that will be posted in the hall outside the office. For every 40 Box Tops turned in, a coin with your class name on it is added to the chest! Any class that turns in 400 Box Tops receives a "treasure chest" of goodies for the classroom! This challenge starts Mon Oct 14 and ends Mon Dec 9.


September Champions

Congratulations to Room 5 (Ms. Nelson) for turning in the most Box Tops in September! The Panther is visiting their classroom this month. Next month, Midnight the Panther will visit whichever room turns in the most Box Tops during October

Reflections - DUE OCTOBER 14th



Do you like art? Do you express your ideas through art? Then the nationally recognized PTA Reflections program is for you! Take the opportunity to participate in this years program. The theme is "Dream, Believe, Inspire". Show your creativity in any of the following art categories: Visual Arts, Photography, Music, Film or Dance.


You can learn more about Reflections Program by visiting: or clicking here to download the PTA Reflections Student Entry form. 


Remember all submissions must be turned into the front office by October 14th! If you have further questions, please contact


Looking forward to seeing your artistic talents come to life!

Community Information and Flyers

These flyers are updated on a weekly basis. Click here to find district flyers and to download the information that interests you.

e-News Submission Guidelines
  • Deadline for Weekly eNews is Sunday at 6:00 pm 
  • Send all weekly eNews submissions to
  • Copy Principal Chris Reddam ( ) on all submissions
  • Articles should be submitted in the body of an email - not formatted or in another file
  • Attachments cannot be included in the eNews, but articles can be linked to a website
  • Please provide all necessary links for images and websites 
  • Articles are run for one week, submit a new article for resubmission if needed

Community information must be sent to the District Office for approval.  Please click here for the procedures.