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EI Training Newsletter
Winter 2012-2013

Welcome to the EI Training Program's Constant Contact newsletter! As a member of this mailing list, you will receive this newsletter periodically throughout the year. Through this newsletter we plan to share system updates, training opportunities, and other special announcements. If you have received this newsletter, you are already on the list.  If you do not wish to receive this newsletter in the future, please scroll to the bottom of this email and click on the link to unsubscribe.

We want to hear from you regarding your specific training requests, your questions or your concerns. Please contact me, Ted Burke, at or Lucy Gimble, our Program Resource Specialist, at



Family Outcomes Survey On Its Way to EI Families


Over the next few weeks, the families we work with in the Illinois Early Intervention System will be receiving the Family Outcomes Survey  in the mail.  It is important for us to remember that early intervention is a family-centered system of supports and services. Both children and families are considered to receive benefits from these supports and services. The family outcomes survey is one way we can learn whether or not families are getting what is intended from early intervention services. Family outcomes are defined as the changes experienced by the family as a result of participating in early intervention services and supports. The Family Outcomes Survey is used to measure these changes and was developed using information received from providers and families in Illinois. This survey asks families to think about things like understanding their child's strengths, abilities, and special needs and helping their child develop and learn.

Last year, family outcomes surveys were sent to all families in the early intervention system at a point in time. Over 18,000 surveys were sent directly to the homes of the families in the early intervention system. This year we will be sending out surveys to over 19,000 families. To help improve return rates, providers should let families know that the surveys are being mailed out to their homes and encourage families to complete and return the surveys. By continuing to expand the number of families receiving the survey and by improving return rates, we should soon be able to describe the benefits of early intervention for both children and their families. If you'd like to learn more about family outcome please take a look at our online training module

If families have questions for you about the surveys please have them call our office at 866-509-3867 and we will be glad to answer any questions.



After reviewing the results of last year's Family Outcomes Survey, a few things are clear. Despite small variations by region and ethnicity, most families reported that they received substantial benefits from early intervention services. Higher rated items indicate greater achievement of outcomes. Some of the highest rated areas include families reporting that they are able to understand their child's strengths, needs and abilities, they are able to advocate for their child and they know their rights. Lower rated items indicate that some families still struggle with identifying and accessing support systems and identifying available options when their child leaves the EI program.


As part of their annual performance report for Part C services, states are required to report the percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn, effectively communicate their children's needs and know their rights.       


Please view the Family Outcomes Data for Children Served In Early Intervention  to see trends both statewide and nationally.



Please take a moment to update your profile with us.  You can personalize  your own account  with the EI Training Program to identify what lists you would like to identify with.  These include lists defined by your role in the system (EI Provider, family member etc...) and by region of the state (Southern Illinois, Chicago etc...).  The more detail you share, the more we can tailor specific information to go out to you that will match your interests. Take a moment and check it out! 
 As we continue to collaborate with our partners that represent the professionals who support families in the early intervention journey, we want to take the opportunity to share with you some upcoming national events to enhance your profession.  Some great opportunities include: 
Ted Burke
Illinois Early Intervention Training Program
In This Issue
Family Outcomes Survey On Its Way to Families
Last Year's Results
Update Your Profile Today
Upcoming National Conferences
Results Matter Videos
Helpful Transition Resources
Join Our Mailing List
Results Matter Video Library


I'm pleased to let you know that Just Being Kids has just been posted to the Results Matter Video Library. Just Being Kids clips can be viewed online and may be downloaded at no cost for use in educational and professional development activities.


Originally published in 2001, Just Being Kids is a collection of six video clips that illustrate recommended practices in early intervention. Developed by The ENRICH Team at JFK Partners in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Education, the six stories feature early interventionists working collaboratively with families to achieve meaningful outcomes for their children in everyday routines, activities, and places. In each story, the family members and providers offer poignant reflections on their experiences.


Helpful Transition Resources


The Technical Assistance Center 0n Social Emotional Intervention (TACSEI) has created the Backpack Connection Series to provide a way for professionals and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior.


Transitioning, or moving, to new places, people and activities is

something we do many times during the day. However, change can be overwhelming and seem unpredictable for a child, especially when he 0r she is not ready to move on to the next place or activity.  Please see the tip sheet How to Help Your Child Transition Smoothly Between Places and Activities for strategies you can use to support the families you work with.  


Additionally, today, most families of young children use and move between different types of early childhood services -- like Head Start, private child care, public preschool, or kindergarten. Moving between and among these various programs is often referred to as 'transition'." Take the opportunity to view an 8-minute video Foundations of Transition For Young Children. This video provides an overview of the desirable outcomes of transition, research identifying effective transition practices, as well as the legal requirements of early childhood transition.


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