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June 28, 2016
Early Season Discover Plot Day
Side-by-Side Comparisons Prove Valuable 
in Discovery Plots

Last week's Early Season Discovery Plots had a "pretty good turnout," according to Federated's Senior Agronomist Kevin Carlson, and focused on the results of using bio stimulants and foliar nutrition products on both corn and soybeans, as well as the benefits of fungicides on soybeans. 

Combining foliar nutrition with bio stimulants positively affects growth and yield.

Carlson pointed out that growers need to "try some of these products side by side, split a field," and see for themselves how bio stimulants coupled with foliar nutrition can greatly affect plant and root health, and ultimately improve yield.

Soybean comparison
L-  Soybean plant with 4 oz. Stimulate and 4 oz. Bio-Forge applied at planting; R - Soybean control/check.
corn comparison
L - Young corn control/check plant; R - Young corn plant with 4 oz. Stimulate and 4 oz. Bio-Forge applied at planting.

Comparisons from Federated's corn and soybean plots using Stimulate and Bio-Forge clearly demonstrated the value of the nutrient and bio stimulant applications.

corn root comparison
L - V5-6 corn control/check roots; R - V5-6 corn roots with 4 oz. Stimulate and 4 oz. Bio-Forge applied at planting.

corn comparison
L-  V5-6 corn control/check plant; R - V5-6 corn plant with 4 oz. Stimulate and 4 oz. Bio-Forge applied at planting.

Soybean comparison
L - soybean roots with 4 oz. Stimulate and 4 oz. Bio-Forge; applied at planting; R - soybean control/check roots.

Stoller's Bio-Forge contains 2% nitrogen (N) and 3% soluble potash (K2O), which contributes to "optimal plant functioning," including continuous new root growth (see Bio-Forge fact sheet).
Stimulate Yield Enhancer, another Stoller product, is a combination of three plant hormones that helps plants recover from "transient stress" and 
increases plant quality (see Stimulate fact sheet).

soybean root comparison
Healthier roots (r) with 
Stimulate Yield Enhancer
Other foliar nutrition and 
bio stimulant products discussed at the Discovery Plot meeting included (fact sheets attached): Harvest More™ Urea Mate, X-tra Power™,  Sugar Mover™, and VersaMax AC, the latter of which is recommended in combination with Bio-Forge for plant stress reduction as well as plant nutrition (see VersaMax AC/Bio-Forge fact sheet).

Fungicides help control disease 
and improve plant health.

Another key topic of discussion at the Discovery Plot meetings was the value and timing of fungicide applications (Federated recommends Aproach® or Fortix®). While there is still some time to apply fungicides on corn, it's especially valuable on soybeans going forward, according to Carlson.
For white mold suppression in soybeans, the timing of the fungicide application should be between R1 and R2, early flowering to full flower. "That is the sweet spot for application timing for white mold suppression," said Carlson.
Carlson emphasized that for growers who have "known white mold fields that have been a problem in the past, the timing is approaching very soon."
Aproach applied R1-R2 (@9 oz./ac.) will help suppress white mold and provide overall disease control; it can be applied at R3-R4 (@6 oz/.ac.) for overall disease control and improved plant health. 

Talk to your Federated Agronomist to learn more.

The overall objective of Federated's Discovery Plots (both early and late season) is to provide growers with solid information and basic recommendations. 

How do the various products fit into your specific crop management practices? Contact your Federated Agronomist to determine the best recommendations for your crops. "We are strongly encouraging our growers to try some of these [products and practices]," said Carlson. 
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | 502 S 2nd St. | Princeton, MN 55371-1941