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corn seedling
Low Soil Temps Adversely Affect

Many growers in Minnesota and Wisconsin are trying to decide how soon they can or should plant corn, according to Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist. "When the 10-day forecast has above-average temperatures that are well into the 70s in many locations, it should be safer, "he said, adding, to remember that "though air temperatures are going to feel warm, the soil temperatures will require some time to warm up to levels that are safe for corn to germinate in."  
A kernel of corn will soak up 30-40% of its weight in water -- as part of the germination process -- within the first 24-36 hours after being planted. Carlson said, "Bob Nielson from Purdue University has a nice summary on the potential negative effects of 'cold shock' or 'cold water imbibitional chilling' in a publication he released in April of 2012." In that article, Nielson noted:
"It is not clear how low soil temperatures need to be for imbibitional chilling or subsequent chilling injury to occur. Some sources simply implicate temperatures less than 50F (10C). Others suggest the threshold soil temperature is 41F."
In other words, when corn is planted into soil with temperatures lower than 50 degrees, and certainly below 41 degrees, and consequently soak up water at the same temperature, there is a high potential to have reduced germination, poor vigor, and leafing out underground, among other adverse effects.
Carlson reminded growers to use caution, and look at the 5- to 7-day forecast and use soil temps as a guide. And as always, contact your Federated Agronomist with any questions or concerns.
April 26, 2016
Spring spraying
Communication is the Key 
to the Best Custom Application     

The right equipment and the right product at the right time is essential, but without good communication between the grower and Federated, custom application services can go south quickly.
"The big thing is planning ahead, and communication," said Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist. When growers take the time to meet with Federated prior to when the custom application service is needed, fields can be mapped and "we can talk about what to apply to their fields," said Carlson, adding, "Don't wait!"
Surety map example
Federated uses the Surety program (yield mapping software) to map out fields (as shown at right). "We map growers' fields, and then we send that map out with a sprayer or spreader so the applicators know the correct field [on which to apply the product]," Carlson said. But it all takes planning.
Spreading is underway now and spraying will be ongoing for the next three months, so it's not too late to communicate custom application needs to Federated. "There is no such thing as too late for planning, as long at it's not too late for the application," said Carlson.
Growers need to give their spraying and spreading orders to the people in a position of authority -- Federated agronomists or location managers -- to ensure the service gets done properly and on time. Federated drivers are not the appropriate people to talk to.
It's also important to note that growers need to sign the Customer Service Policy before any application can be scheduled. This policy (available at Federated Locations) outlines what growers can expect from Federated, and what Federated expects from the grower. "It's an important communication piece between the customer and the co-op," said Carlson.
Come on in to your Federated location and take the time to "map, decide, and communicate," he said. Give your Federated Agronomist a call today.
Seed Treatment Promotes 
Plant Vigor and Better Yields

Federated continues to promote -- and invest in -- seed treatment as a proactive way to promote plant health, and boost yields from the first moment the seed hits the soil. Two proven soybean seed treatment products include Primo CL for soybeans and CruiserMaxx® with Vibrance®.

treated seeds
"Federated has chosen Primo CL because it has superior flow-ability after it's applied to soybean seed," said Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist. Primo CL also has one of the highest count of rhizobia inoculate available today. According to Verdesian Life Sciences , "Primo CL elevates custom applied inoculant products to a new standard."
Federated also recommends Cruiser Maxx with Vibrance soybean insecticide/fungicide seed treatment. This product contains three fungicides for broad spectrum control. As described on the Syngenta website, CruiserMaxx with Vibrance offers seed safety and low use rates, as well as the following:
  • plant protection even before the seed germinates;
  • better emergence, faster speed to canopy, and improved vigor;
  • protection against damaging chewing and sucking insects and pests;
  • effective protection against major fungal diseases such as Rhizoctonia, early season Phytophthora, Pythium, and Fusarium;
  • increased yield even under low insect pressure. 
Talk to your Federated Agronomist  about yield-boosting seed treatment options. 
Pre-Emerge Herbicide Options 
include Dual II Magnum® SI

Among many pre-emerge herbicide options, Federated Co-ops recommends Dual II Magnum® SI, a Syngenta product, to keep early weed pressure down. Dual II Magnum SI is safe for use on corn or soybeans and is effective on a wide range of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp, which is becoming an increasingly troublesome weed due to increasing buildup of glyphosate resistance.
Dual II Magnum SI can only be used impregnated on dry fertilizer; its low use rate keeps fertilizer from getting too wet, and ensures better spreading.
Bob Marquette, Federated agronomist at the Albertville location, said, "Dual II Magnum SI allows you to delay your first post-emerge application if wet conditions are a factor" because the product doesn't break down too quickly.
Dual II Magnum SI can be applied pre-plant, pre-emerge, and post-emerge. For additional information, contact your Federated Agronomist. Also read this Dual II Magnum SI fact sheet, and label.
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | 502 S 2nd St. | Princeton, MN 55371-1941