News & Information for Your Farming Operation
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Spring Reminders
Don't forget sticky note
Agitate Stored 
Liquid Fertilizer
For best results with liquid fertilizer (10-34-0, XLR 7-23-5, 7-21-7, etc.) that has been stored over winter, consider agitating the fertilizer before planting. Contact your Federated Agronomist with any questions and to learn the best methods for agitation.

Danger sign_yellow
Always Safety First
Spring heightens the need for farm safety awareness. Unfortunately, the number of farming accidents increases at this time of year -- but many of the accidents are avoidable. Federated Co-ops is committed to safety, and we hope our growers are as well. 

Here are a few reminders for a safe spring planting season.
  • Take time to ensure that all equipment is maintained and ready to go - and be sure the safety guards are in place. Always.
  • Read and follow directions for products and equipment. Don't assume you know -- or remember -- how something is applied or used.
  • Discuss safety hazards and emergency response procedures with everyone on your farm, no matter how young or experienced the workers are. Expect the best, but be prepared for the worst.
  • Slow down. Yes, the crops need to be planted and weather may be changing, but the cost of life-threatening mistakes is far greater than the need to "git 'er done."
  • Ask for help. Your Federated Agronomist is ready with advice and recommendations, and they will help you find what's needed to make this growing season the safest and best yet.

Soybean Workshop Recap
"Group 15" Herbicides Show No Known Glyphosate Resistance in Waterhemp

During Federated's Soybean Grower Workshops, Senior Agronomist Kevin Carlson stressed the importance of keeping several herbicides in soybean weed control programs to fight glyphosate resistant weeds: Dual®, Warrant®, and Outlook®, the "Group 15" herbicides. 

These herbicides have shown no known resistance development in the waterhemp species. For additional information,
Federated Agronomist with any questions.

April 12, 2016
Ogilvie expansion Ogilvie Expansion Ready 
for New Growing Season

Ogilvie seed bins
Federated's Ogilvie Agronomy Center began its facility expansion last summer and the management team is pleased to see the fruits of their labor today as the new seed treatment shed and equipment are nearly ready for launch. It's been a process, keeping building operations moving forward, but "more equipment is becoming operational every day," said Carter Ash, assistant location manager at Ogilvie, adding, "I'm very excited to be able to work with this equipment this growing season."
While Federated's Rush City facility will continue to provide the majority of the seed treatment work for this year, Ogilvie will get a chance to try out their new KSI seed treating equipment this spring. Ogilvie KSI equipment
"We are also working to get the new bulk chemical and liquid fertilizer equipment ready for use [this year] as well. There is a lot of excitement with the new expansion at Ogilvie," said Ash.
For additional information about highly recommended seed treatment options, contact your Federated Agronomist soon.
Commodity Classic Honors 
One of Federated's Own

Federated Co-ops can't take credit for the win, but the co-op takes pride in the success of its customers. Lenneman Farms took first place in the Monsanto®-sponsored Asgrow® "Yield Chasers" Contest at this year's Commodity Classic.
Wayne Lenneman
Contest Winner Wayne Lenneman 
at the Commodity Classic
Three brothers comprise Lenneman Farms -- Wayne, Greg, and Eugene. Wayne and his wife Deanna earned an all-expense-paid trip to New Orleans, March 3-6, to recognize the yields they produced with Asgrow AG1435 soybeans: 78 bu./ac. Lenneman Farms was among five Asgrow winners, by region, in Minnesota. Their farm, located in St. Michael, is home to one of Federated's Discovery Plots.
Congratulations to Lenneman Farms for their growing success! For additional information on Asgrow soybeans, contact your Federated Agronomist.
Lennemans with Easton Corbin
Wayne and his wife Deanna enjoyed a photo op with country music's Easton Corbin, who performed at the Commodity Classic.

Spring Soil Sampling 
Simplifies Fall Applications

ATV for soil sampling
"Soil sampling for fall fertilizer and lime information can start [soon]," said Kevin Carlson, Federated's senior agronomist. "You don't have to wait until fall, after the crop is removed."
Federated has been recommending soil sampling in the spring or early summer. If it has been 3-4 years since the last soil sampling, consider doing it this spring or early summer -- even if the crop is already planted.
Carlson added, "Using an ATV makes [soil sampling] very quick and easy, even if you are grid soil sampling with the mobility of handheld GPS technology."
Contact your Federated Agronomist with any questions about spring soil sampling, or to set up soil sampling services by Federated.
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | 502 S 2nd St. | Princeton, MN 55371-1941