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certification graphic
Proof of Restricted 
Use Pesticide Certification Required 
at Point of Sale

The Department of Agriculture now requires growers and/or applicators to present their certification card at the point of sale for every restricted use pesticide transaction. Retailers are no longer allowed to verify certification online; they must see the grower/applicator's actual card at the time of purchase.

This link has additional information relating to this change. 

The site states [emphasis added]:
"To purchase Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) you must present your certification card. To be qualified as a Private Pesticide Applicators you must be performing pesticide applications
  • to farmed agricultural commodity land that is owned, rented or managed by you or your family or
  • if you are one of two or fewer employees working that land
  • pass application and certification requirements provided by the University of Minnesota Extension
  • hold a certification card from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)"
Federated Co-ops, Inc. is committed to upholding these regulations, according to Mike Meelberg, Federated's operations manager. Growers/applicators who keep their certification cards readily available will avoid delays in purchasing restricted use pesticides. Contact your Federated Agronomist with any questions.
March 22, 2016
Sustainable Agriculture: 
More than a Buzz Word for Federated

"Sustainable agriculture" is regularly in the news headlines, and for good cause. The facts are real: 
  • By the year 2050, theSustainable ag intertwined gears earth's population is estimated to increase by two billion people. That translates into needing two times more food than is produced today to feed the world.
  • Consumers increasingly demand to know more about their food, how its grown, and what is used to grow it, in addition to caring about the effect food production has on the environment.
Sustainable agriculture is defined by three factors:
  • increasing productivity to meet future food and fiber demands;
  • improving human health; and
  • protecting the environment.
Craig Gustafson, Federated's eastern division agronomy manager, reported that during a recent agronomic workshop for the Federated agronomy staff, the question was asked, "What is Federated doing to support sustainable agriculture?"
After good discussion, the staff compiled a list of activities and objectives that reflect Federated's commitment to sustainability. The list included, but is not limited to, the following:
  • nutrient management planning;
  • grid soil sampling;
  • using variable rate application of crop nutrients;
  • using nitrogen stabilizers;
  • protecting phosphorus availability;
  • promoting conservation and no-till practices;
  • promoting cover crops to capture carbon and protect the soil from erosion.
  • recommending seed and seeding practices to maximize yield.
Reviewing this list, said Gustafson, it's fair to conclude that "Federated is actively engaged in supporting sustainable agriculture with our customers." Maximizing production, increasing quality, protecting the environment, and being willing to change is part of Federated's commitment to sustainable agriculture.
Contact your Federated Agronomist with questions or concerns about sustainable agriculture as it relates to your crop production plans.
Weed Control Takes Another Turn 
Toward Pre-Emerge Herbicides   

With glyphosate resistant weeds continuing to plague growers, a new pre-emerge herbicide from Syngenta offers one more choice in the fight against tough weeds. Acuron® offers four active ingredients and three modes of action to fight over 70 broadleaf weeks and grasses in corn, including giant ragweed and waterhemp. Acuron contains:
  • Bicyclopyrone (for burn down plus residual to fight large-seeded broadleaf weeds),
  • Mesotrione (for burn down and residual control of broadleaf weeds),
  • S-metolachlor (for residual control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds),
  • Atrazine.
Alternatively, Acuron® Flexi herbicide is a premix combination with the same first three ingredients as Acuron but does not include atrazine; it does, however, include a corn safener (Benoxacor). This combination allows Acuron Flexi to be tank-mixed with atrazine, or glyphosate, depending on grower preference. (See Acuron and Acuron Flexi fact sheets.)
Talk to your Federated Agronomist about the best way to fight glyphosate-resistant weeds in your fields with pre-emerge herbicides.
Nitrogen Stabilizer Protects 
Investment, and Environment

Super U® granular fertilizer includes a nitrogen (N) stabilizer that provides protection from three forms of nitrogen loss: "volatilization, denitrification, and leaching," according to Rod Gustafson, manager of Federated's Albertville agronomy center.

Wet soils in the spring -- especially in an earlier spring, such as this year -- are ripe for denitrification; Super U performs really well in those soils, according to Gustafson, adding that "it protects your investment in nitrogen."

super u logo
Better than applying urea alone, Super U supplies nitrogen protection in one 46% N product. "It's a ready-to-use product," he said, and it is especially good for pre-plant application (see Super U fact sheet).
Super U is an "agronomically and environmentally sound fertilizer choice," according to Gustafson, because it helps reduce the level of nitrates that get into groundwater. In Minnesota, a Clean Water Act is under legislative consideration and may require growers to pay even closer attention to nitrate levels (in keeping with ongoing efforts towards sustainable agriculture -- see article above).
Good nutrient management programs include nitrogen stabilizers, and Super U is a good fit. Talk to your Federated Agronomist about using Super U in your crop nutrition plans this year.
Soybean Grower Workshops Today thru Friday

Federated's Soybean Grower Workshops continue through this week. Hot topics on the agenda include:
  • Xtend® 2 Soybean Weed Control System, and Related Genetics
  • Enlist® Soybean Weed Control System, and Related Genetics
  • Winning the Fight Against Weed Resistance
  • Using Biologicals and Growth Promoters in Soybeans
Today, March 22 (It's not too late to attend!)
Rush City - Rock Creek Town Hall
Wed., March 23
Isanti  - Captain's on Long Lake
Thurs., March 24
Ogilvie - Freddie's in Mora
Fri., March 25
Osceola - American Legion, St Croix Falls
RSVP to your Federated Agronomist to reserve your space at one of the free workshops listed below. Meetings start at 10 a.m. with lunch to follow at noon.
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | 502 S 2nd St. | Princeton, MN 55371-1941