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Latest News: Xtend™ 2 Soybean System
Cleared for 2016

Roundup Ready Xtend™ 2 Soybean System is available for sale in the marketplace this growing season. The germ plasm was cleared by the Chinese market for export, allowing the soybean system to be used in 2016.
Federated will present additional information on this system at the Soybean Grower Workshops next month. Additionally, Federated Senior Agronomist Kevin Carlson said, "We will be talking to growers about trials for the Xtend 2 Soybean System."

Corn Grower Workshops Begin Feb. 22

Plan now to attend one of Federated's Corn Grower Workshops, Feb. 22-26. RSVP soon for one of these workshops:

Mon., Feb. 22 

Tue., Feb. 23
Rush City

Wed., Feb. 24

Thur., Feb. 25

Fri., Feb. 26
This year's workshops include informative presentations on the following topics.
  • 2016 Nutrient Management Decision-Making
  • Responsible Nitrogen Management
  • Federated's Product Service Policy
  • Early Season Discovery Plot Results in Corn

Each workshop begins at 10 a.m. and will conclude with a complimentary lunch at noon. Contact your Federated Agronomist.
February 9, 2016
Soybean Pre-Emerge Herbicide 
Options to Break the Resistance Cycle

It's old news that agriculture goes in cycles; glyphosate eliminated two arrows_ cycle some of the cyclical weed issues -- until recently. Last year many areas of Federated's trade territory experienced a new issue, according to John Swanson, Federated agronomist at the Ogilvie location. "Coming off the prevent plant year [2014], weeds seemed to explode and a new weed showed up."
Most Minnesota and Wisconsin growers have never had to deal a weed as competitive as Waterhemp. "And it took us by storm," Swanson said. Waterhemp is a prolific seed producer and can germinate all season long.  Many growers discovered this weed didn't need to develop resistance; it came that way. 
Waterhemp is resistant to glyphosate (and other chemistries), so now what?
This is where the cycle comes into play. As glyphosate moved the corn and soybean market away from pre-emerge herbicides, waterhemp and other tough weeds are bringing them back.
Pre-emerge herbicides are not only the new trend, but they are the best currently available way to fight these tough weeds. "This will be extremely critical for protecting our current technologies -- the glyphosate resistant crops," said Swanson. And, he added, "We also need to protect our future technologies -- the 2,4-D resistant and dicamba resistant crops -- so we will be able to use these technologies in the future. 
A good foundation of pre-emerge herbicides will provide an additional mode of action, which will help break the resistance cycle, but will also "decrease the weed population by killing the seeds before they ever have a chance to germinate," said Swanson.  
The downside -- and more experienced growers will recall this fact -- is the narrower window of application for pre-emerge herbicides. Most of pre-emerge products need to be applied before the crop cracks (roughly within three days), which adds to the stress and labor of planting season, but this timing is extremely critical. Pre-emerge herbicide application is critical to our weed control success in the future.
Pre-Emerge product options include (but are not limited to):
  • Sonic® (by Dow) + Blanket® (a great waterhemp and giantragweed combination program),
  • Blanket (one of the best waterhemp products on the market),
  • Ledger™ (reasonably priced combination of Dual and Sencor),
  • Enlite® (by DuPont, a combination of Valor®, Classic®, and Harmony®, also good for waterhemp), 
  • Afforia®  (also by DuPont, Valor withExpress® and Harmony -- good in no-till since Express helps with dandelions and white cockle),
  • Dual® II Magnum® (by Syngenta, offers a wider application window as pre-emerge or early post, and can be applied and incorporated with fertilizer). 
Talk to your local Federated Agronomist for rates and more details. Plan now for effective weed control this year -- starting with pre-emerge applications to break the tough weed cycles.
Soybean Herbicide Tank Mixes 
for Better Tough Weed Control

Weed pressure on soybeans continues to challenge growers. One program that can provide "better control than what you're used to," according to Bryan Thompson of Rosen's, is a tank mix of 3 oz./ac. of Sonic® with 3 oz./ac. of Blanket®4F.

Thompson recommended the Sonic/Blanket tank mix as a pre-emerge option, adding, "If we need to clean it up post we can go back with Battle Star GT, or Buc Plus tank mixed with Firstrate, or Ultra Blazer, or another tank mix."

waterhemp pressure in soybeans
Shown before the Sonic/Blanket tank mix 
application, this field had good response to the Sonic/Blanket tank mix even with waterhemp and giant ragweed pressure.
Thompson noted that Buc Plus is very affordable now, so it is possible to make one's own tank mix to create a "Flexstar GT" with Battle Star, but talk to your Federated Agronomist to determine the best options for cost-effective weed control. 

Blanket 4F provides:
  • early season and residual control;
  • small seeded broadleaf control;
  • waterhemp, kochia, pigweed, lambsquarter, nightshade control;
  • performance in all soil types;
  • alternate mode of action to glyphosate.
See the Blanket 4F Fact Sheet for more details on usage and rates, and be sure to talk to your Federated Agronomist about this year's weed control programs.
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | 502 S 2nd St. | Princeton, MN 55371-1941