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2016 Grower Workshops Coming Soon

This year's Corn Grower Workshops will be held Feb. 22-26 and will focus on managing nitrogen. Plan now to attend a workshop near you. Details in the next Agronomy Update. All meetings start at 10 a.m. and conclude with lunch.
January 12, 2016
Best Practices, Good Policies  
for Crop Protection in 2016

Federated has a longstanding commitment to providing products and services that benefit growers while contributing to sustainable agriculture. As the New Year begins, one area in particular demands special attention: safe and effective weed control.
Federated's product service policy for crop protection establishes a strong foundation for managing weeds, protecting the environment, and keeping the lines of communication open for this highly regulated area of farming. service policy word cloud
The Product Service Policy is provided below, and the full document is available here (PDF). The policy states Federated's guidelines and expectations for custom application, but growers need to be aware of these same factors when doing their own application. The following items are especially important to note.
  • Federated/Grower Communication
Prior to application, Federated requires several vital pieces of information: a signed Custom Application Record, as well as field IDs, detailed crop info, field location(s), neighboring properties (especially new neighbors), and areas of sensitivity (e.g. gardens, vineyards, beehives, etc.).

Federated cannot emphasize enough how important it is to know about areas of sensitivity in relation to fields being sprayed. If Federated is surprised to find a sensitive feature near a field, spraying delays or stoppages are inevitable.

Following application, Federated will contact growers within 48 hours if any problem arises.
  • Labels
At the point of application, the Federated applicator must see that you have the label for the pesticide being applied. Labels are available online or at Federated locations.
  • Drift Management
This is a major concern, and Federated will take every step to avoid drift; consequently, application delays may occur until wind conditions are favorable for application according to label recommendations.
  • Field Scouting
Federated can be retained to scout fields, or growers can choose to scout their own fields, but Federated must be notified of any problems within 10 days of an application. Contact your Federated Agronomist for information and pricing on scouting services.
  • Recordkeeping
It is the grower's responsibility to keep records of every crop protection application, no matter who applies it (Federated or the grower). Federated will provide application records in a timely manner.
The primary objectives behind Federated's product service policy are to provide quality service and uninterrupted application, to make it easier for our customers to control weeds, and to exhibit sustainable agriculture practices throughout the process. Talk to your Federated Agronomist for additional information and to answer any questions.
All of us in the agricultural industry have a commitment to safe, sound chemical practices and uses. Following these procedures will deliver the most consistent weed control each year while assuring the safe and proper use of crop protection products.

A spray order is not a contract until the grower signs the Custom Application Record. Federated Co-ops Inc. reserves the right to cancel any orders placed more than 3 days before application, or due to poor field conditions, insufficient buffers, weather, concerns by surrounding land owners, or potential drift. Growers need to communicate any foreseen hardships, and unusual features to eliminate the problem of unsprayable fields.

Grower Responsibilities
  1. Follow All Label Directions - The product label is the best source of information on proper handling and application. Be aware of label requirements concerning buffers, areas of sensitivity, or drift.
  2. Prepare Seedbed Properly - Avoid ridges and clods.
  3. Scout Fields on a Timely Basis -
    Scout fields during the first 10 days after spraying. Rotary hoe or shallow incorporate as needed before weeds exceed ½-inch height. Cultivation is often beneficial to activate herbicide when in sufficient rainfall occurs. (Always follow label directions concerning post application cultivation.)
    Federated Coops, Inc. offers a Scouting Service:
    Three scouts/field/year. Service Fee: $8.50 per acre ($500 min. fee). Please check one of the following:
    ______ Yes, I agree to the Federated Scouting Service on all of my custom application acres and I agree to the above fees.
    ______ No, I will take full responsibility of scouting my fields according to the Federated Product Service Policy.
  4. Keep Application Records on File - Accurate records must be kept by law. This should include, signed service policy, signed spray records and field maps.
  5. Identify Sensitive Features around Field of Application - Help to eliminate problems at the time of application by communicating with surrounding neighbors. Document areas of sensitive features and provide maps to Federated prior to the application. Examples: gardens, vineyards, orchards, high value crops, beehives, and organic producer.
  6. Be Present at Time of Application - Make sure the correct fields are being sprayed. Custom Application Records must be signed at the time of application. Federated Co-ops, Inc. cannot custom apply crop protection products until the Product Service Policy and Custom Application Record is signed by the grower.
  7. Call Us - If a problem or concern arises, notify Federated immediately and no later than 21 days of application.
Federated's Pledge to You (the Grower)
  1. When we custom apply crop protection products for our customers, we will follow all manufacturer's label directions for mixing, loading and applying. We will comply with any local Best Management Practices that may be applicable. We will use equipment suitable to the job and we will properly set up, calibrate, and maintain that equipment. Applications will be performed by licensed and trained personnel. Any unusual conditions or circumstances will be noted on the job report and this information will be communicated to you.
  2. We will respond to the report of a potential problem within 48 hours of notification. If necessary, we will inspect the field and make a recommendation to correct the specific problem. This may include a supplemental cultural practice such as cultivation.
  3. We will work with our customers to try to resolve concerns where poor performance is a result of a mistake or negligence on the part of our employees or malfunction of our equipment.
  4. We will report problems to our suppliers. However, chemical performance is not guaranteed,and the grower will assume all cost of any re-spray program including application fees. In addition, they may be able to provide technical advice to help solve the problem.
  5. We cannot take responsibility for problems not covered by the product label, customer negligence, or acts of God. We will not be responsible for minor areas of weather-related herbicide carryover from products applied the previous year.
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | |
502 S 2nd St
Princeton, MN 55371-1941