News & Information for Your Farming Operation
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Post-Harvest Questions? 
Call Your Agronomist.

Once the grain bins are full and the equipment is put away, it's a good time to review the challenges and successes of the past growing season. Don't wait to ask questions in preparation for 2016: Contact your Federated Agronomist to get answers, make plans, discuss concerns. And if you are interested in tax-saving pre-buy options, call before Dec. 31. 

Dec. 31 calendar

Watch for 2016 Grower Workshops

Winter Grower Workshop dates will be announced early in the New Year. Stay tuned for these great opportunities to gather information for the upcoming growing season.

December 22, 2015
End-of-Year Perspectives 
from Federated's New CEO

It is hard to believe 2015 is coming to a close. As I finish up the third month in my new role, I am happy to report that it was a very solid year for Federated, and from what I hear, it was very successful for our patrons as well.  Federated was successful in our core business, Agronomy and Energy. On the Agronomy side, we had success in all four aspects of our business: crop protection, seed, fertilizer, and service.  
From my chair, I believe the reason for our success was the result of two key things: patrons and customers who trust Federated to be a great supplier, and team members who work hard to exceed our patrons' and customers' expectations. Clearly, without patrons and customers we would not have a business, so it is critical as a team we work hard every day to provide great products and services at a very competitive price.2015 to 2016

As we look to 2016, we will focus on growing our core, Agronomy and Energy. I believe we have an opportunity to really leverage the "Power of One" with our patrons and our customers.  We want to earn your business and be the supplier of choice for all your needs, whether that pertains to Agronomy, Energy, or items you will find in our country stores. We want to be your one-stop shop. Additionally, in 2016 we will look for opportunities to add more to our portfolio. It will be critical that anything we add to our portfolio enhances our co-ops' profit overall without burdening our patrons. 
As we put a bow on 2015, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge Tim Kavanaugh, Federated's retired GM/CEO. His dedication and commitment to patrons for over 33 years was a key driver in the success of the company. His legacy will live for many decades to come. I am learning by listening to our patrons and will work hard every day to exceed their expectations and fill the big shoes Tim left behind.
I thank everyone for your business and support. If I haven't meet you yet, I look forward to meeting you in 2016.

Happy Holidays!
Mike McMahon, CEO

Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | |
502 S 2nd St
Princeton, MN 55371-1941