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Pre-Buying Pays Off with USA500™

It's December and time to consider year-end options. Pre-buying for 2016 can mean 2015 tax savings. USA500™, a liquid starter fertilizer additive, fits well into pre-buy plans, and offers important benefits for the upcoming corn crop because "corn that doesn't emerge, doesn't yield," said Russ Overaas of Rosen's, Inc.

Starter fertilizer with USA500 additive gives corn everything it needs to get it out of the ground and off to a strong and healthy start, supporting even emergence. As Overaas noted, crops that start strong have a better chance of finishing strong.

USA500 at a rate of 48 oz./ac. provides four key ingredients, including 1 qt./ac. of 9% EDTA chelated zinc, for strong early season corn development.

Starter fertilizer with USA500 out-yielded starter fertilizer with zinc liquid on Federated's 2015 corn plots.
Read the USA500 fact sheet, and review the yield trials data.
Contact your Federated Agronomist before Dec. 31 to pre-buy USA500 starter fertilizer additive.

December 8, 2015
2015 to 2016 signs
Planning for Success Makes a Difference

The old adage says, failing to plan is planning to fail, and though everyone knows there are no guarantees in agriculture, good planning can impact yields and other outcomes.

"The planning process is what makes the difference," said Jim Barthel, Federated's western division agronomy manager. "Pre-buying can help you secure supply, lock in prices, or get tax benefits" he said, but pre-planning -- as opposed to waiting until it gets tight and busy in the spring -- "gives you time to think it through, time to tweak things."

Now is the best time of year to sit down with a Federated Agronomist and lay out cropping plans, field by field. Plan which varieties will be planted where, map out a fertility program, decide on a herbicide program, and consider other variables.

"Another good reason to plan ahead," said Barthel, is to "make sure the products you are going to use are in place, either on your farm or in the Federated warehouse, so supply isn't an issue" when the rush of spring hits. This factor can't be emphasized enough. Poor planning can translate into products being unavailable at the right time in the spring.

When looking for 2015 tax savings with pre-buy, be sure to beat the Dec. 31 deadline. Pre-buy, however, "continues from now until we go into the field," said Barthel.

As a very good year ends, start planning for the new year. Contact your Federated Agronomist today.

A 2015 Thank You to Federated Customers and Employees 

thank you Another year has come and gone, and for most it was an exceptional year when it came to crop yield.  We heard from many of our growers that they had never seen yields like these in all the years they have farmed. We are proud to have been able to help our customers tell these success stories. Thank you for letting us be a part of it. 

The employees of Federated Co-ops take their jobs seriously and work hard to help their customers get the best possible crop production plans in place, including the right seed on the right acre, feeding it with proper nutrients, and then protecting that investment with the right crop protection products. 

In today's competitive market we know that you have choices when it comes to purchasing inputs for your operation and we appreciate the trust you place in us. We hope the services Federated provides are of great value as we strive to live up to our customers' expectations. 

If you ever feel we are not delivering the service you need, I hope you will contact your location or me directly. We always want to deliver the highest level of service because we are deeply committed to providing the best customer service and products available. Everyone at Federated Co-ops thanks you for your continued patronage and we hope to keep you as valued customers for years to come.

Let me also take this time to thank our employees for the job they do. Without them we would not have such a strong customer base. Across the entire company, many of our employees put in the extra effort to truly make a difference for our customers. Thank you for all that you do and we hope to continue to build strong relationships with our customers well into the future.

To our customers and our employees: Have a Safe and Happy Holiday season! 

 ~ Mike Meelberg, Operations Manager
Federated Co-ops | 763-389-2582 | |
502 S 2nd St
Princeton, MN 55371-1941