Unity Roseville  Rev. Mary Lacale

Unity of Roseville Happy Mother's Day

Volunteer for the 
Month of May
David Briggs  
David Briggs

We are grateful for David Briggs who joyfully and enthusiastically lends a helping hand wherever he sees an opportunity to serve.  He volunteers at the Ambassador Desk and warmly greets visitors who enter our spiritual community.  He also assists at special events. David is an usher who readily assists members and newcomers, making them feel comfortable and welcome.  His gregarious laugh invites everyone into a world of love and fun! 


David has also served as the Regional Registrar for the West Central Region: from 1998 - 2010 and has served on many the Board of Trustees for several different ministers. His questions are:  "How can I be of service?"  "How can I serve?"     


We love you, David.  

Thank you for all you do!


Sunday Child Care 
is now available during the 
10:00 a.m. service


If you are interested in volunteering in youth ministry or any other area of interest, please contact Nancy Hilton at volunteering@unityroseville.com

Upcoming Events

Women's Group ~ Saturday, May 16th

Soul Spa Divine Empowerment Circle 

with Jane St. Croix

Join us at 10AM and connect to the Divine Power Within through meditation, intuitive readings and energy medicine.


Jane St. Croix practices Intuitive Energy Medicine and is a Certified Personal Trainer. Her office is located at 225 30th St, Suite 311 in Sacramento. 916-443-1152 www.fitness-insideandout.com



Men's Group Drumming
A 3-part experience with Michael Bayard's Drumming Circle and Ancient Sounds. Saturday, May 2nd  10 - 11:30am
Monday, May 4th 6:30 - 8:30pm
Monday, May 11th 6:30 - 8:30pm
* Limited to 20 men
* Cost is $20.00 per person
Contact: Greg Finch  gmfinch@comcast.net


Couples Group

Game Night - May 8th at U of R

Unity Roseville Game Night Couples  

Next month - 2nd Saturday Art Walk

Contact Joy: aeisenhut2@surewest.net



2nd Annual Picnic ~Save The Date

Sunday June 7th at Kaseberg Park  following Sunday service.

Sign ups ~ at Ambassador Table

Contact: Jan Gollaher


Unity Roseville Picnic 




                On-Going at                                  Unity of Roseville 
Unity of Roseville Men's Group: first Mondays at 6:30 PM. Contact: Greg Finch gmfinch@comcast.net


Unity of Roseville Men's Group Breakfast: third Saturdays at Caf� Pacific at 8:30 AM in downtown Roseville. Contact: Greg Finch  gmfinch@comcast.net 


Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 11:00 AM, facilitated by Prayer Chaplain: Shirley Brown smittenbykittens@yahoo.com


A Course in Miracles: Meets on Wednesdays: 7:00 - 8:30 PM.
Contact: Ozzie  opalos@aol.com
**This group is now meeting at Mike & Michelle's house - please contact Ozzie for details on location**
Daytime Book Group: Meets on Thursdays: 10:00 - 11:30 AM in Unity Hall. You may join the group at any time - you do not have to wait until the book is finished. Contact Nancy Matlin

Evening Book Group: Meets on Thursdays: 7:00 PM in Unity Hall. You may join the group at any time - you do not have to wait until the book is finished.

Contact: Nancy Matlin 


Couples Group: 2nd Fridays at 7:30 PM in Unity Hall. Contact Allen or Joy  



Women's Group: 3rd Saturdays: 

10-1PM. Contact: Donna Vopacke 

Love Left Behind:  This grief and support group meets on Sundays 12pm - 1pm.  contact:  Honey Spanjian at hospanjian@yahoo.com



Placer County Food Bank 

Food Barrel


Unity of Roseville is an on-going drop off location for the Placer County Food Bank.  The most needed food items are: dried pastas, cereal, peanut butter, tuna, canned fruit/veggies, rice & dried beans. Thank you to all who contribute!

If you have a loved one to honor or are celebrating an anniversary, you may sign-up at the Ambassador Desk to bring flowers on that special Sunday. We honor your loved one with you.   



The U of R Member Directory ~

This directory is available to U of R members who participate in the directory. Applications are at the Ambassador Desk. Be sure to share your hobbies and interests as you never know what the universe will share with you. Updated directories are emailed periodically.  

Contact: Nancy Matlin 





Good Friday ~ April 3rd


Labyrinth ~ April 3rd


Beautiful Easter Service ~ April 5th


Prayer Chaplain Retreat ~ April 11th


Prayer Chaplain Training ~ April 24 - 26


Healing & Wholeness Part I ~ class 


Service to the Community
Volunteers Unity of Roseville    
If you are seeking ways in which to serve in this spiritual community, 
please contact Nancy Hilton at volunteering@unityroseville.com or the church office at (916) 784-1054


 Library Suggestions

Poems of Joy by Salesian Collection
in Literature section

Praying the Lord's Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough by Elmer Towns
in Prayer and Meditation section

Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
by Eckhart Tolle in Self Help section

For more information see Marsha Littrell or Renee Chance after Sunday service or email marshalittrell@comcast.net 



Sunshine Team


The Sunshine Team is here to help lift your spirits.  Let us know if you need 

a spiritual lift and we will send some   

love your way!

Call us at 916-784-1054 or email




              Start Your Day With The Daily Word 

Unity Roseville Daily Word           


            Love Holds the World Together



If we open ourselves to love, we see that it has to be the strongest attracting power in creation. It binds us all together in one great union - all part of the One God. God is love. This love pulls each of us toward our True Christ Selves, making us more and more aware of our Divinity. In the long run, love is stronger than hatred and war - the personal battles as well as international ones.


A mother's love can feel like that - so powerful, so endearing and binding. A mother's love can feel like God's kisses, hugs and the gentle hands that tuck us in at night, in our warm, safe beds, in our beautiful homes.


Not everyone experienced a mother's love that felt so Divine and purposeful. Nor did everyone experience a warm, safe bed, in a beautiful home.  However, it's never too late to experience the love of God.


God's love expresses itself through us, through various natural laws that hold the planets in their orbits, and us in our forms as human beings - including mothers. Love is everywhere. God is everywhere.


If we didn't have the good fortune to hang on to our mothers long enough in the physical realm, we can still know that God never disappoints us. God will never leave us. God's love endures. We are loved, unconditionally, eternally.


We are all part of God. The God in you is the same God in every other person, no matter how it may seem.


When we let the warmth of our love flow from us in a complete circle, we touch everyone with it. And the entire world becomes a better place. We begin to meet all people Christ-to-Christ, and our love automatically falls across their paths.


Let us hold our world together by expressing God's motherly love everywhere we are, in this one family of love.


God bless you,


Rev. Mary

        May Services


Sunday Lesson

May 3:             Wholeness in Conflict

May 10:           Happy Mother's Day

May 17:           Do I Choose Peace Today?   

May 24:           Being Inspired

May 31:           Guest Speaker: Rev. Margie Brach


Musical Inspiration

May 3:             Doug Matson / Michael Bayard / Cecile Woods

May 10:           Doug Matson / Michael Bayard / Dave Moore

May 17:           Doug Matson / Michael Bayard / Ann Roach

May 24:           Michael Bayard / Chet Chwalik

May 31:           Doug Matson / Brenda Boston



Prayer Chaplain Installation ~ Sunday, May 3rd


Welcome Rev. Margie Brach ~ Guest Speaker ~ May 31st

Rev. Margie Brach  

Greetings From Your Prayer Chaplains



Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,


This is the wonderful month we experience so many special celebrations:

  • beginning with the joyful holiday shared with our Mexican friends, who decorate their ancestors' graves and hold parties for Cinco de Mayo;
  • reverently wrapping others in prayer on National Day of Prayer;
  • stretching our hearts to enfold mothers and those who have been like a mother to us on Mothers' Day; and
  • solemnly honoring soldiers in every military branch who have given their lives in service to God and country for Memorial Day.

It's all about "getting together" and sharing stories and prayers.  It may include elaborate planning and fancy menus, with hustle and bustle until we are all exhausted and simply want to relax.


That's when we go to the picture on Unity's calendar this month....  It depicts a large expanse of lawn at Unity Village.  Behind the trees in the background, we can see the white buildings with their bright red tile roofs.  And in the foreground stand two spotted fawn, their heads turned, checking out the one with the camera.  They are alert, but not frightened - calm and curious.  And under their picture is this:


"I could have traveled many paths that are interesting and perhaps more elaborate, but the simplicity of the path I chose still affects me: God is good." - Mary L. Kupferle


And later, a quote from the Psalmist, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of  your heart." -Psalm 37:4


Yes, it is time to Discover -- Simple Pleasures and know the Goodness of God !



Your Prayer Chaplains  




Cathie Kilgard, Shirley Brown, Bobbie Spivey,

 Donna Vopacke, Angela Paccini, Thomas Fisher



Wednesday Night Spiritual Lesson with Rev. Phillip Pierson

Unity Roseville Town Hall and Potluck Lunch


Keys to the Kingdom

Rev. Mary Lacalle

Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 PM ~ May 7 - June 11, 2015


Identify and change your limited beliefs about abundance, happiness and success. Discover the relationship between your spiritual growth and    your participation in your spiritual community.  


Keys to the Kingdom  Unity of Roseville  

This class is offered as a Committed Tithing Practice 

during a 6 week period.  Student Workbook  $48.00



Unity Roseville Talent Show 215  


Chakra Symphony Unity Roseville  Bayard   Youngblood  

                                                                                                 Maggie Rose McGurk Photo Art

2014 Board of Directors
Greg Schnable, Toni Carter, Honey Spanjian, Jerry Matlin
Sandy Acevedo, Rev. Mary Lacalle and Margie Miller

Unity of Roseville
911 Washington Blvd., Suite 203
Roseville, CA.  95678