Oakland City Councilmember Libby Schaaf's District 4 Newsletter - March 14, 2013
Over the past weeks Oakland has welcomed several policing experts (most of whom are former Chiefs) to assist us in reducing crime. America's most successful urban Police Chief, Bill Bratton, was here last week (details here), along with a couple more former Chiefs who are also part of the Wasserman consulting team. They are implementing immediate strategies to tighten geographic accountability, strengthen community policing, manage dispatch, and improve crime data collection systems - changes praised in this New York Times article.
Oakland also welcomed our court-appointed Compliance Officer, Thomas Frazier, who'll be helping us implement our remaining Constitutional policing reforms promised as a result of the Riders police misconduct case. Read the Trib's profile on him.
Finally, on March 22nd Oakland's own Chief Police Chief Howard Jordan will congratulate the first class of 39 new officer graduates that Oakland has trained in more than 5 years. Now they'll enter 16 weeks of Field Training patrolling Oakland's streets paired with experienced field training officers. Our next Academy with 55 cadet recruits will start right away on March 25th. I couldn't be more excited to see more officers hitting our streets!
Chief Jordan also enjoyed a successful multi-agency gang-sweep last week - part of Oakland's Ceasefire strategy for reducing gang-related violence. Ceasefire is an evidence-based carrot and stick approach where gang members receive a clear message through "Call-in" meetings that services are available to help them get on a productive path, but that they must stop the violence or face consequences (background here). You may recall that I met personally with Ceasefire's creator David Kennedy in New York last summer (details here).
Last week, Ceasefire had a huge success as 14 collaborating law enforcement agencies assisted OPD in arresting more than 18 members of the Case Gang and Money Team on March 8th. With this special operation, roughly 60 members of Oakland's two most violent gangs have now been arrested under the Ceasefire coordinated effort (details here).
At a "Call-in" last October, members of these gangs were offered support services and received the message that law enforcement would focus on them if they chose to continue committing violence in Oakland. Chief Jordan and the successful community collaboration he has built kept that promise. Hopefully other gang members will hear and believe Ceasefire's message more clearly now and make the better choice.
There's been some confusion (and even jokes) about the proliferation of police chiefs in Oakland. Indeed, I'd prefer to see more line-staff than chiefs myself. But each of these experts is focusing on distinct tasks. Each brings a unique skill-set and track-record that Oakland needs.
Real leaders harness the strength of collaboration to produce extraordinary results. Real leaders attract exceptional talent and proven performers to draw on their expertise. I commend Chief Jordan for doing just that.
With Oakland-love,
I attended last week's CompStat strategy session with former Chief Bill Bratton.
Contact the District 4 Office
City of Oakland, District 4
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2nd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
Visit us at our monthly Office Hours!
* Dimond: 1st Thursdays, 9-11 am at Caffe Diem, 2224 MacArthur Blvd
* Laurel: 1st Saturdays, 9-11 am at World Ground Café, 3728 MacArthur Blvd
* Woodminster: 3rd Saturdays, 10-12 pm at Woodminster Café, 5020 Woodminster Ln
* Melrose: 4th Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5 pm at Melrose Library, 4805 Foothill Blvd
* Montclair: 4th Sundays, 9:30 - 11:30am at Montclair Farmers Market (or Colonial Donuts at 6126 La Salle Ave)
Any Gas Station in Oakland Did you know that for every dollar you spend on gas, a penny stays in Oakland as sales tax? So being sure to always fill your tank in your Town is a simple way to support Oakland. Studies show that Oaklanders spend $1 Billion a year outside our city - that's $10 million in lost sales tax that could be funding critical city services like police and libraries. Two of my favorite D4 gas stations are the Chevron Stations owned by Oakland-booster Ken Betts in Montclair Village and in Lincoln Square on Redwood Rd. Work where you must, but shop & dine in Oakland!
The Dish
This bistro in the heart of Montclair has a full menu, full bar and extensive wine list. Starting with a delicious potato soup, and continuing with pork loin schnitzel, fish tacos with a perfectly simple side salad, and on the side a serving of their adult-quality mac n' cheese. Everything was so tasty we stayed for dessert: a light & creamy flan with blood orange accent. I recommend Metro for a European dining alternative in the Village. Bon Appetite'!
Metro Montclair
Be a Community Hero
The Bridgeview Trail can use your muscle! Volunteers will be working at the Bridgeview trail on March 24th, 10:00 to noon. (NOT March 10th, due to scheduling conflict).
Volunteers will continue ivy "zipping" from the trail. Wear long sleeves and long pants. There is no bathroom at Bridgeview, so plan accordingly!
If you have a big group, please RSVP to kathalini@comcast.net, so I can bring enough tools and gloves.
City Council News
Keep Oakland Firesafe: Many of you know that my Dad lost his home and everything he owned in the 1991 Oakland Firestorm. He was luckier than 25 of his neighbors who lost their lives. The lush, natural beauty of Oakland's hill neighborhoods comes with a price -- risk of another major urban wildfire.
In 2003, residents of the Oakland hills established the Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) to provide annual funding to assist home and property owners in preventing urban wildfires. For the past 10 years, the WPAD has successfully reduced the risk of wildfires in our fire-prone Oakland Hills through services like goat grazing, roadside clearance along major access routes, free curbside chipping service, unlimited green debris removal, and a vegetation management plan.
Keep Oakland Firesafe 2013 is a grassroots campaign to renew Oakland's Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) before it sunsets in 2014. Please learn more at www.keepoaklandfiresafe.org before you cast your mail-in ballot this fall.
Coming This Tuesday to a Council Meeting Near You:
The two main items of discussion this Tuesday will be a report on security costs for First Fridays and a Resolution setting Oakland's 2013 priorities for law enforcement partnerships -- an effort to secure specific assistance from county, state and federal agencies. Noteworthy items on the Consent Calendar include a summary of this year's Audits and my appointment to the Executive Board of the Association of Bay Area Governments "ABAG".
At the beginning of the Tuesday, March 19th meeting, I'll be honoring Oakland's Measure Y Outreach Manager Kevin Grant and the late Dr. Su Yon Park of Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland for receiving the distinguished California Peace Prize. Read about their amazing work here.
Special Budget Meeting - April 2 - 5:45 - City Hall Council Chambers
Consider coming out to learn more about the budget - or watch it live on TV (KTOP) or on live internet streaming: http://oakland.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=2
Oakland is Getting a Sculpture Park!!!
Oakland's First Outdoor Sculpture Park is coming to the booming Uptown District. Funded through a matching grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Uptown ArtPark has transformed a vacant space that was formerly a Sears parking lot into a showplace for large-scale local art for the entire community to enjoy. The City of Oakland will host the Uptown ArtPark Celebration featuring a bike ride to the event from West Oakland, live performance by students from the adjacent Oakland School for the Arts, dedication ceremony honoring both the sculpture artists and the community members who advocated for the park, up-close viewing of the sculptures and food trucks.
Friday, April 5, from 6:30 - 8:30pm
District 4 News Gardening for Native Bees
Celeste Ets-Hokin, native bee garden design for the Gardens at Lake Merritt, will present wonderful images of native bees and discuss the importance of these pollinators, introduce native bee ecology and life cycles, give tips on species identification, and discuss plantings to encourage native bees. Dimond Library - Wednesday, March 20, 7p. Flyer/More Info: http://www.sausalcreek.org/pdf/FOSC_Member_Meeting_Flyer.pdf Get the Trash Out! - Walk IN Sausal Creek
Help remove garbage from Sausal Creek; 12 years and older, please. El Centro Trailhead (Dimond Canyon Park) - Sunday, March 17, 10a-12pRSVP: coordinator@sausalcreek.org, (510) 501-3672 Info: http://www.sausalcreek.org/volunteer/calendar.html
Keep Dimond CleanVolunteer litter walks in Dimond: meet at Giant Burger - 2055 MacArthur@Dimond Ave. Rain or shine. Thanks to Keep Dimond Clean sponsor, La Farine Bakery, 3411 Fruitvale Ave. Volunteers receive a thank-you card for pastries and coffee/tea, or bread. Sat., March 16 from 9am to 10am.
Little Shop of HorrorsWoodminster Theater goes indoors at Holy Names University Theater. The hilarious musical will play March 14-24: Valley Center for Performing Arts at Holy Names University - 3500 Mountain Blvd @ 7p .m. Tickets: $30 to $50. Info: 510-531-9597, www.woodminster.com.Know a Thespian?
Woodminster's 2013 summer season starts with "Annie Get Your Gun," followed by "A Chorus Line" and "Legally Blonde: The Musical." Singing auditions for the shows are set for 12 to 4 p.m. on April 13-14 at the Woodminster Amphitheater in Joaquin Miller Park. (Dance auditions April 14, 10a.)
Catch Your Councilmember
Where To Join Me Over the Next 2 Weeks
3/16 (Sat) Woodminster Office Hours,
Woodminster Café, 5020 Woodminster Lane, 10a -- noon. 3/18 (Mon) Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Assoc.mtg, 11 Ascot Place, 7:30-9:00p
3/19 (Tues) City Council Meeting, City Hall, Chambers, 5:30p
3/20 (Wed) Public Safety Town Hall Meeting, Castlemont High School, 8601 MacArthur Blvd., 6:00 - 9:00p
3/21 (Thur) Rules & Legislation Committee, City Hall, 10:45-noon
3/21 (Thur) Special Closed Session, City Hall, noon-2:00p.
3/21 (Thur) North Hills Community Association Annual General Membership Meeting. Highlands Country Club, 110 Hiller Drive, 7:00 - 9:00p
3/22 (Fri) OPD Graduation of Class #166, Scottish Rite - 1547 Lakeside Drive, 10:00 - noon 3/24 (Sun) Montclair Office Hours, Montclair Farmers Market (or Colonial Donuts at 6126 La Salle Ave), 9:30 - 11:30a. 3/25 - 3/29 City Council Spring Break, No meetings this week.
3/27 (Wed) Melrose Office Hours, Melrose Library, 4805 Foothill Blvd.,3:30 -5:00p

Onions & Orchids 
An Orchid to . . .
Make Oakland Better Now (MOBN), a grass-roots group of citywide voters committed to improving the City of Oakland. This great group of committed intelignent citizens target three areas that make a huge difference in the daily lives of all Oakland residents and their families: (1) Insuring public safety; (2) making certain that public streets, parks, lighting, and libraries are accessible and in good working order; and (3) demanding transparency and accountability of our city government. A number of the board members (some who live in District 4) actually sit on Oakland's Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) and they focus will play an important role in ensuring that our soon-to-be adopted budget addresses these core concerns. More info: http://makeoaklandbetternow.org/Default.aspx
Helpful Links and Numbers
- District 4 Office: (510) 238-7004
- Public Works Call Center: (510) 615-5566 or pwacallcenter@oaklandnet.com
- Neighborhood Service Coordinators (NSC's):
- Hoang Banh (Dimond, Lincoln Highlands, Montera, Oakmore, Woodminster): 510-238-6566 or hbanh@oaklandnet.com
- Patricia Rose (Montclair): 510-238-6822 or prose@oaklandnet.com
- Araina Richards (Allendale, Melrose, Maxwell Park): 510-238-7619 or arichards@oaklandnet.com
- Renee Sykes (Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, Redwood Heights, Crestmont and Laurel (N. of 35th Ave.): 510-238-7929 or rskyes@oaklandnet.com
- City of Oakland website: http://www2.oaklandnet.com/
To contribute news and events to our newsletter, please email lruhland@oaklandnet.com