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October 15, 2014


In this modern age of "Have it your way!", who wouldn't like instant gratification with data magically appearing at your fingertips when and where you need it? 
Ready, Set, Drill!
Now, thanks to Barista enhancements for Drilldown and Query Definitions, you can
create more powerful queries than ever before, and even link queries to other queries, cascading them one to the other, or link queries to your own custom program! 

Developers can extend the power of Barista queries by creating Drilldown and Query Definitions that provide additional access to application data in a contextual fashion, beyond where the default Barista queries can go, delivering information on demand.

Read the full "Ready, Set, Drill!" BASIS Advantage magazine article due out later this year.
 The Publications Team at BASIS International
About the Tech Spotlight
This new communication series spotlights BASIS Advantage magazine articles that showcase exciting new features that will make you more efficient and productive.