June 30, 2014TC-14006


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BASIS International Ltd. releases version 14.01 of BBj�, Barista� Application Framework, and AddonSoftware� by Barista. This maintenance release incorporates all customer requested fixes applied to 14.00 patches, listed in the fixes file; and updates the XCALL Utility with a user configurable <heartbeat> start option.
Refer to the BBj, Barista, and AddonSoftware 15.0 Preview features below and the online readme, relnotes, and fixes files. Download 14.01 and try out the new features today!

Modernize your application with digital dashboards and widgets!

  • Join us Wednesday, July 9, to learn how to embed graphical charts in your app during the Java Break "Embedding Widgets in Your BBx App."
  • Did you miss the introduction of the dashboard and widgets in "Adding BASIS' New Dashboard to Your App"? It's not too late. View the YouTube video or join us for a rerun with live questions and answers on Wednesday, July 2.   


BBjBBj 15.0 Preview Features
  • Adds more user control over the heartbeat between the BBj and Java components that comprise the XCALL server, allowing for these components to recognize a situation where one of these entities is no longer responding
  • Adds a new BBjMDI::setBackgroundImage method to allow for placing background images on the MDI desktop
  • Extends BBjThinClient User Properties to support HTML Session and Local Storage in BUI
  • Adds getScreenImage and getWindowImage methods to return a screen or window as a BBjImage

Database Management

  • Adds scalar functions to the SQL engine
    • TO_DATE facilitates converting date strings using a customizable format
    • TO_TIMESTAMP facilitates converting time strings using a customizable format

Application Building Blocks

BaristaBarista 15.0 Preview Features
  • Menu system enhancements
    • Ability to launch programs to run in the browser user interface (BUI)

    • Menu option to disallow running an item in BUI

    • Command line arguments separated from program (target)

    • Company and product ID list edit buttons in menu maintenance

    • Optional path to configuration file for BASIC programs

    • Open file dialog for target and other fields in menu maintenance

    • New fields for working directory and CSS file path


  • Help system enhancements

    • Ability to access help in single document and BUI modes

    • Enabled help for topics dependent on whether a help tag has been assigned to the menu item, form, or control

    • Header and detail in the header/detail forms can have their own help tags

AddonSoftwareAddonSoftware 15.0 Preview Features
  • Dashboard enhancements
    • New Manufacturing tab with grid widget shows Work Orders linked to Sales Orders; includes filters for both Work Order status and Sales Order Status
    • New top-level menu gives users fast access to dashboards
    • Optimized SPROCs improves load/display times for Sales Analysis data

    • Added Month and Year filters to the AR Drilldown widget
  • All forms and reports are now launchable in BUI


  • Embedded widget on Customer Master shows customer's aged balance, dynamically switching from a pie chart to a bar chart to show credit balances
  • Increased speed of the AR Drilldown Report 


More Information
Download this new release today. See Barista in action by including AddonSoftware with your download and see an example of an ERP built completely with Barista.
Subscribe to the bbj-developer or barista-list forums for the latest news.

BBj�, Barista�, and AddonSoftware� are registered trademarks.