August 7, 2014MC-14006
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We are pleased to launch the BASIS E-Learning Center

E-Learning - This web portal offers access to the hosted BASIS training courses with the convenience of delivering classes to fit your schedule and at your own pace. We've packed the center with the content that matters to you - Barista Application Framework, database management, system administration, cloud hosting, an introduction to the BBx language, Jaspersoft Studio report design, and the entire AddonSoftware ERP suite. All this content is delivered when and where you want it.


Visit the E-Learning Center at View the course descriptions by expanding the entries listed in the "Course categories" section.

Get Started Today - Select the class you are interested in attending and click [Enroll me]. On the resulting page, click [Create new account] and provide us with your information. Once BASIS grants you access to the course(s), you will receive class-specific details by email and then you are on your way to expert-led instruction!


Virtual classroom interaction answers the immediate questions you may have. If your question hasn't already been answered by the FAQ, just post it to the class discussion forum.

Cost - The costs to attend E-Learning courses are similar to the hosted courses. Preferred Partners may access the training at no cost.

For questions, please contact us at

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