September 30, 2013MC-13008




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BASIS International Ltd. has several important announcements and reminders for its end user community.

  • Pricing adjustment - Effective November 1, BASIS adjusts its language and database prices on user tiers above 10 users to account for inflation, while absorbing the inflationary effects in the 1-10 user tier price for the language and database, and across all user tiers for both Barista� Application Framework and AddonSoftware� by Barista.
  • SaaS pricing unaffected - SaaS pricing has not increased as BASIS has absorbed the effects of inflation on this most affordable upgrade and new license acquisition offering. By waiving reinstatement fees and the cost of the Edition exchange from Standard to Enterprise when upgrading an old license, pricing should not be an obstacle to unleashing the benefits of the newest language, building blocks, and database enhancements to your users.
  • Barista remains affordable with SaaS pricing - No upfront fees and low subscription prices.
  • Cloud offering - AddonSoftware Cloud Services provides additional deployment choices for current and new users of this rejuvenated ERP building block solution that now includes the Manufacturing bundle. 
Continue reading for more details on these announcements.
PricingPrice Adjustment for Inflation
BASIS is absorbing the effects of inflation on all Barista and AddonSoftware prices, and on the language and database for prices of the 1-10 user tier! The pricing for the remaining language and database user tiers is increasing at approximately the inflationary rate since the last BASIS-announced increase in 2011. The result is an overall average increase across all pricing tiers of less than 3%.
The BASIS building block code samples and utilities incorporate functionality that would previously have necessitated third party product purchases. Allying this to the host of other product enhancements in BUI, data replication, and data change auditing delivered over the past two years, our value proposition has never been better!
SaaSSaaS Offerings
Valid for new licenses and for old, SaaS offers a compelling alternative to outright purchase or full-fee upgrades. For new licenses, choose from two options -

OPTION 1 - Avoid any upfront costs and simply pay a subscription fee per user per year.

OPTION 2 - Lower your annual costs by purchasing a Standard Edition license upfront and convert to SaaS to get Enterprise or Enterprise + Barista functionality for just the annual SAM fees. No reinstatement fee, no Edition Exchange fee (cost to move from Standard to Enterprise), and no Barista fee!
For existing licenses on SAM, one can upgrade to Enterprise or Enterprise + Barista by converting to SaaS for no upfront fee and the same greatly reduced subscription fee as in OPTION 2 detailed above. 
BaristaPromoBarista-izing Your Application is Extremely Affordable With SaaS
The Barista Application Framework subscription promotion is a permanent offering and provides the community with a low cost and low risk fast-track to using this powerful development tool to modernize existing business applications, which then opens the door to moving these apps to the Web. By electing to move to a SaaS license, you have no upfront Barista fee!
Our Browser User Interface (BUI) is receiving a lot of attention and generating a great deal of excitement as a method for moving GUI apps directly to the Web. BUI expands your business horizons from Business-to-Business apps to now include Business-to-Consumer apps without changing a single line of code.
But, what if your interface is still character-based? BASIS' rapid application development tool, Barista, is the fastest, most efficient route to get you to GUI. Using the new SaaS offering gets Barista into your application without upfront costs and with reduced annual fees.
Choose how to take advantage of this exciting offering:
  • For existing licenses - add a rental Barista license to your permanent BASIS license.
  • For new licenses - you can choose to buy BBj and rent Barista or rent both.
CloudAddonSoftware Cloud Services
AddonSoftware Cloud Services is a simpler way of deploying and upgrading your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Now, you have the choice of running BASIS solutions on premises like you are used to or online through an external host in a cloud environment - one solution and one software for both options.
By offering our full-function ERP solution on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure, you have access to a stable and secure platform to meet your needs more efficiently.
  • Significant cost savings 
  • Performance and reliability
  • Our experience, your benefit  
  • Configuration and customization freedom 

Check out our Cloud Services flyer and contact us for more details.

More Information


Download the development builds for BBj and Barista and see Barista in action by trying out AddonSoftware ERP, built completely with Barista.


Subscribe to the bbj-developer or barista-list forums for the latest news and check out the videos on the BASIS YouTube channel.


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BBx, BBj�, Barista�, AddonSoftware�, Visual PRO/5�, and PRO/5� are registered trademarks.