BASIS International Ltd. announces version 13.01 of BBj�, Barista� Application Framework, and AddonSoftware� by Barista. This is a maintenance release that includes several fixes and patches, and addresses customer reported issues. This release also includes fixes and further refinements to the recently introduced BASIS Development Tools (BDT) and BBj Enterprise Manager (EM) plug-ins for Eclipse.
Visit our Eclipse Plug-ins page for information on downloading Eclipse, installing the BASIS and essential third party plug-ins, and browsing the Eclipse Marketplace to find dozens of other useful plug-ins. Note that the BASIS plug-in URLs remain the same, so URLs configured for use with the 13.00 release will continue to work with this maintenance release.
Download this new release today. See Barista in action by including AddonSoftware with your download and see an example of an ERP built completely with Barista.
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BBx�, BBj�, Barista�, AddonSoftware�, Visual PRO/5�, and PRO/5� are registered trademarks.