BASIS International Ltd. announces the 13.0 release of BBj� and Barista� Application Framework... now showing at TechCon2013!
Possibly the greatest highlight of this release for developers is the availability of the new BASIS Development Tools (BDT) and Enterprise Manager (EM) plug-ins for Eclipse. For a fully detailed listing of all the other 13.0 features, go to the relnotes files.
With this release, BASIS is once again setting the pace with products and tools that ensure that our community's applications continue to function in the new cloud and mobile worlds. In addition, new functionality lets you create web and mobile applications that look and feel like native applications for the most widely used devices and operating systems in the market. We continue to fulfill our commitment to make our customers' lives easier while adding significant new function with every major release. Data change auditing is a fine example, which similar to data replication, requires no code changes to your application! Best of all, these two major database features will also work with PRO/5� and Visual PRO/5� interpreters via the BASIS DBMS.
The world is going mobile, tablets are proliferating at an astonishing rate, often as replacements for laptop computers, while smartphones are ubiquitous. With BYOD, the multiplicity of technologies that need to be supported can be overwhelming. What are you to do? Write new applications for each and every platform using their native tools? With BASIS' "write once, run anywhere" technology, you don't need to.
Download and install version 13.0 today from the new, cleaner and leaner BBj-powered BUI download page!