Bulletin Header
Vol. 13-43                                                                                                                      10.22.13
iPads and Kindles and Nooks, Oh my!

As patrons seek out help in downloading e-content from the MHLS Digital Download Center onto a dizzying array of devices it's tough to keep up! Frontline staff is invited to attend: iPads and Kindles and Nooks, Oh My! A Train-the-Trainer Workshop for Downloading Media from OverDrive.


At this workshop we will cover:

  • The various formats in our digital download collection through OverDrive.
  • The various devices patrons are currently using to download content from our digital download collection.
  • How to browse, check out, and download content from OverDrive.

At the end of the workshop we'll have a "Technology Petting Zoo" where you will be able to check out or "fondle" devices such as an iPad, Kindle, Nook, and Sony eReader. Feel free to bring your own devices with you as well!

Our instructor for both sessions will be Jo-Ann Benedetti, the Manager of Information and Outreach Services at the Upper Hudson Library System. Jo-Ann has been downloading, transferring, upgrading and gnashing her teeth over digital media since 2005.

 Please register online at  http://calendar.midhudson.org/ 

Professional Development

The State Library has posted the archived version of its February webinar titled "Best Practices for Delivering Workforce Development Services in Public Libraries" at: http://bit.ly/WVEq1d This 60 minute webinar is quite worthwhile viewing. It provides tips on organization, staff training, facilities and partnership strategies. 


Upcoming MHLS Workshops:

Register for all opportunities at http://calendar.midhudson.org  


The New York Council for the Humanities' Together-Book Talk for Kids and Parents program helps connect families and books through shared reading at their local library. The Together program helps you get parents and their 9- to 11-year-old children reading together by providing libraries with:

  • Small grants to cover food, childcare and materials.
  • Copies of six great books for each participant to read during the program.
  • In-depth training and evaluation materials to help you make your program successful.

This program is available to all New York State libraries and has been successfully implemented in a wide range of communities throughout the state. Each of the six 90-minute Together sessions is co-facilitated by a librarian (usually the children's librarian) and a local humanities scholar.  Each session promotes lively intergenerational discussion focused on themes of American identity related to picture books and novels.  


Applications to host a Together series are available at http://nyhumanities.org/togetherThe website guides you through the application process with forms, common questions, and follow-up documents. The deadline for spring 2014 series is December 1, 2013. If you have further questions about the Together program, contact Erika Halstead by phone at 212.233.1131 or email at ehalstead@nyhumanities.org

Trustee Resources
Basic Library Law for Trustees Webinar: On Friday November 8th, from 10:00am - 11:00am, the New York State Library and the Library Trustees Association of New York State will offer a free one hour webinar by Jerry Nichols, editor of the Handbook for Public Library Trustees of New York State and Director of the Palmer Institute for Public Library Organization and Management; Long Island University. Basic Library Law for Trustees will introduce public library trustees to the critical laws and regulations that govern their library. Topics will include the legal structure of libraries; the by-Laws and other critical documents; conduct of meetings and FOIL; policy fundamentals; trustee liability; and legal resources for trustees. The webinar will be archived on the State Library's website at a future date. Please see http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/webinars/index.html for information on upcoming webinars and access to archived webinars. Registration is not required.
Administration & Management

Roundtable for New Directors: November 7th after the Directors Association (DA) meeting. Our topic will be: Technology. Presented by Robert Drake, MHLS IT Coordinator and facilitated by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Library Sustainability, this roundtable is designed for MHLS library directors who have been in their position for three (3) years or less to give you the opportunity to meet with others dealing with similar situations and to find answers and contacts to help you in your day-to-day life at the library.


At this workshop we will cover:

  • Managing technology:
    • Identifying Key Equipment, Understanding Equipment Needs and Creating a Technology Plan
    • Helpful Documentation, Inventory and Replacement Best Practices
    • Internet Service Provider (ISP) Issues
    • Policies
    • E-rate Basics
    • Competencies

Please register online at http://calendar.midhudson.org 


Reminder: November 15th is the deadline to complete the first national Digital Inclusion Survey to assess public library services in the areas of digital literacy, economic and workforce development, civic engagement, educational support, health information and public access to the internet. For survey information and access to it, see: http://digitalinclusion.umd.edu. The New York State Library encourages each public and association library in New York State to participate. Survey results may be used to develop funding opportunities and to assess needs throughout New York. 

MHLS recommends that the minimum starting salary of a full or part-time librarian with an MLS degree be at least equal to that of a teacher with a master's degree in the same community.


Member Libraries are welcome to submit items of interest and job openings to the MHLS Bulletin: bulletin@midhudson.org

The MHLS Bulletin is available on line at http://midhudson.org/bulletins/main.htm.