Bulletin Header
Vol. 13-38                                                                                                                      9.17.13
Online Patron Registration is Here!

MHLS has acquired Sierra's Patron Self-Registration Module which allows a new, unregistered patron to receive limited and temporary access to online resources available through your library. This is a great way to satisfy a new patron who has discovered your library's web site and just can't wait to access one of the new workforce development databases or download an ebook.

Patrons will need to come to the library prior to using their temporary, system generated barcode to borrow items physically from member library collections.

If you are interested in using this service in your community or would like to know more about it, please email MHLS Automation Coordinator Eric McCarthy at
emccarthy@midhudson.org to discuss how it could work for your library. Requests for implementation will be handled in the order they are received.

Youth Services

School / Library Collaborations That Work Workshop:

Monday, October 7th from 10:00am - 12:00pm at the MHLS Auditorium in Poughkeepsie. Your library is an important educational partner in your community. Whether you are just starting out, or want to take your school/library collaboration to the next level, this workshop is for you. Hear from a panel of your peers about successful projects that were valued by their communities.  

Guest presenters include:
Amy Thiel, Kinderhook Memorial Library;

Karen DeGennaro, Pawling Free Library;

Cathy Nuding, East Fishkill Community Library;

Kate McClune, NorthEast-Millerton Library; and

Gillian Thorpe, Julia L. Butterfield Memorial Library.  


The workshop will cover tips you can use in collaboratively planning projects with schools:

  • Who to contact
  • What to do
  • When to plan
  • How to measure success
  • Developing continued collaborations

Please register online for this event at http://calendar.midhudson.org  

Reference & Collection Development

Now Live through HOMEACCESS:


  • Cypress Resume: Specifically designed for the non-writer and inexperienced applicants. The easy-to-use format eliminates the need for assistance. Online storage of user data eliminates the need for flash drives!

    Workforce Skills for the 21st Century Success from Learning Express: Includes self paced tutorials, practice exams and e-books specifically on workplace and job search skills improvement. It focuses on the critical areas a job seeker needs in the workplace such as Mastering Core Business Skills (reading, business writing, and speaking on the job), Computer Skills Tutorials, Career Test Preparation, GED Test Preparation, as well as Resume and Job Search Tools.


    There is another new addition to HOMEACCESS - thanks to the NOVELNY (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library) program: Opposing Viewpoints in Context, the top requested database in the fall NOVELNY survey, is now available through MHLS' HOMEACCESS, under "Homework Help." Opposing Viewpoints in Context, from Gale Cengage Learning, develops research skills and promotes issue awareness, information literacy and critical thinking, will support the new Common Core Curriculum Standards adopted by New York State.  It contains a range of perspectives on many important issues, with over 13,000 pro/con viewpoints.  Students of all levels will benefit from a variety of resource types:  reference, news, primary sources, multimedia and more. 

    Marketing, Advocacy & Funding

    September 16 - 30 MHLS libraries will be participating in the 2ndBig Library Read from OverDrive, featuring "Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth" in both eBook and eAudiobook formats for every patron that wishes to read it - no holds, no waitlists. By participating we are joining a global movement of passionate readers and library patrons who support the availability of eBooks and eAudiobooks at libraries. The title will be available for unlimited simultaneous access for the two-week period, creating a virtual, global book club. Promotional materials to use in your community are available on our homepage at http://midhudson.org  

    Administration & Management

    Tax Cap Online Form: The annual reporting form for libraries with a calendar fiscal year (who have their budget voted on by the public) should be available now. If you cannot find your log-in information please call 518.473.0006. The Allowable Levy Growth Factor for the 2014 calendar fiscal year is 1.66% (not 2%). To access the form: http://osc.state.ny.us/localgov/realprop/ 

    Job Openings

    The Town of Ulster Library is seeking a library director who is an experienced public library professional. The Town of Ulster is a community of some 12,500 residents and located in Ulster County, New York. It is approximately 50 miles south of Albany and 90 miles north of New York City. The mission of the library is to provide both enjoyment and knowledge to people of all ages, and to meet local needs. The library provides the community with educational and popular collections, as well as access to computers, both Wi-Fi and the Internet. We provide individuals and families a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment to meet, work and learn. Required Education and Experience: Candidate must meet the following minimum qualifications pursuant to civil service requirements for the position of Library Director I: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Master's Degree in Library Science and two (2) years of professional full-time, or its part-time equivalent, experience in a library of recognized standing. Candidates with at least two (2) years supervisory experience are preferred. Special requirement: Candidate must have a New York State Public Librarian's professional certificate at time of appointment. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume via e-mail to: townofulsterlibrary@gmail.com. Resumes received by September 18, 2013, will receive first consideration. Applications will be reviewed until a director is selected. All Civil Service laws, rules, and regulations apply.

    Part-Time Library Clerk
    Phoenicia Library is seeking a part-time library clerk. 5-15 hours a week, must include Saturdays. Starting date is flexible but must be committed to a year's work at a minimum.  Required skills: Excellent computer skills and willingness to try to solve IT problems you've never faced. Must be a people person. Please be aware of the remote location of our library and consider whether this is a drive you'll be willing to make in the winter. Pay:  $10/hr.  Big pluses about Phoenicia: great mountains, awesome patrons, community and fellow library staff. Chance to take on independent projects according to your skill/interest. If interested please email Elizabeth Potter, director, at director@phoenicialibrary.org

    with a Word cover letter and resume.  


    MHLS recommends that the minimum starting salary of a full or part-time librarian with an MLS degree be at least equal to that of a teacher with a master's degree in the same community.


    Member Libraries are welcome to submit items of interest and job openings to the MHLS Bulletin: bulletin@midhudson.org

    The MHLS Bulletin is available on line at http://midhudson.org/bulletins/main.htm.