A program of the Green Electronics Council
EPEAT Manufacturer Update: August 11, 2014
In this issue
PC-2014-02 Phase 2
Green Sports Alliance Summit Event Recap
Case Study
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PC & Displays Verification Round 2 - Level 1 Investigations Launching Soon

The second PCs & Displays Verification Round of 2014 is now underway. This Round is investigating two required criteria ( and and includes Level 0 and Level 1 investigations.


A total of 75 investigations are planned for this two-part Round.


Level 0 investigations, which require no manufacturer participation, have already been completed. In these Level 0 investigations, Qualified Verifiers examined publicly available information to determine conformance.


For those Level 0 investigations in which information was not available or was inconclusive, the Qualified Verifiers will proceed with the second part of this Round: Level 1 investigation. QVs will be contacting manufacturers if necessary for documentation to support conformance.


Click this link to download the Verification Plan for PC-2014-02.
Green Sports Alliance Summit Event Recap

From July 21-23, Green Electronics Council (GEC) staff hosted an EPEAT booth at the 2014 Green Sports Alliance Summit. The Alliance's annual Summit provides sports team and league executives, venue operators and environmental leaders an opportunity to exchange best practices and to develop cost-competitive, innovative solutions to their environmental challenges.


GEC organized a booth at the 2014 Summit to increase the "environmentally preferable" profile of EPEAT Participating Manufacturers among the purchasing and sustainability arms of sports teams and leagues.


Five brands provided EPEAT-registered products to be showcased in the EPEAT booth:

  • Dell
  • HP
  • Lenovo
  • LG
  • Toshiba

Thanks to these manufacturers' support, Green Sports Alliance members saw firsthand that "greening" their electronics purchases does not require sacrificing quality.


You can read more about the event and see photos of the EPEAT booth at this link.

Verification Updates