An Advocates International
Prayer Alert  
February 27, 2013

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Pakistan Blasphemy Hearings
26 & 27 February


Dear Friends 


Thank you for your prayers.  In light of the update  below from CLAAS, please keep praying for a just and right decision from the court.  



Dear Praying brother and sisters,


Mr. Joseph Francis National Director CLAAS, Lawyers team and CLAAS staff was present in the court this morning. The complainant of the case was also present in the court along with a large number of Muslim extremists and Mollana's with green turban and long beard on the face, were sitting inside and outside of the court room to put pressure on the learned Judges.    


Mr. Naeem Shakir advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan, a leading council of defense lawyer's team started arguments before the Honorable court and continued for 25 minutes and proved that none of the witnesses can blame that Younis Masih is blasphemer as they did not hear him directly passing derogatory remarks against the prophet.  


Mr. Naeem Shakir proved that Younis Masih is innocent and he is not blasphemer. He prayed that the punishment of death sentence should be removed and all charges of blasphemy against Younis Masih should be dropped and he should be free from the prison.

The opposing lawyer tried to convince the court for 10 minutes and prove that Younis Masih was guilty, he is a blasphemer and the decision of the High Court is truthful and he should be punished with death sentence.


The State Lawyer also preferred the arguments of the opposing council and tried to convince the honorable court for almost half hour and prayed to keep continue the punishment of Younis Masih.

Learned Judges (Lahore High Court double bench), Honorable Mr. Justice Kh. Imtiaz Ahmad and Mr. Justice Ali Baqar Najafi were confused to announce the decision because of the pressure of Mulla's. They adjourned the court and said that the decision of the court will be announced later.


CLAAS team is still in the court, waiting for the decision and we hope in Jesus Christ that it will be in the favor of Younis Masih because He knows that Younis had suffered enough. Please keep praying


In Christ's service,



Thanks again for your continued prayers for Advocates around the globe who are representing people facing persecution. 


May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect. . .


Grace and Peace,

Brent Sig
Brent McBurney


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