An Advocates International
Prayer Alert  
November 12, 2012

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Appeal from Death Sentence for
Pakistani Christian on 13 November


Dear Friends 


We received word today from our colleagues in Pakistan who are representing Younis Masih, a young Christian man who was given a death sentence following his conviction for blasphemy.  Their email indicates that the hearing for the appeal from his death sentence is scheduled for tomorrow, 13 November.   


Unfortunately, Mr. Masih was falsely accused of blasphemy and has been in prison for the past 7 years.  Please pray for a fair decision in this case, that he will be released from prison, and for his safety.  Pray also for the entire family as Mr. Masih is married with four small children. 


Thanks again for your continued prayers for Advocates International and for all of the advocates who are representing persecuted Christians around the globe. 


May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect. . .


Grace and Peace,

Brent Sig
Brent McBurney


Calling all Advocates 
We are always looking to identify, train, equip, enable  and mobilize advocates,like you, all over the world who are inspired by our core values and want to protect and defend religious freedom, the rule of law, the right to life, peace and reconciliation, human rights and justice for the poor.

You can join with us by going to our web site and signing on!  Thanks.

Thank You for Your Financial Support

        AI is not a recipient of government funding and is solely dependent upon the financial contributions of those who believe in its mission, thereby enabling it to serve "clients" ranging from heads of state seeking to implement constitutional reforms to persecuted and imprisoned believers sentenced to death for their faith. We are most grateful and thank you for whatever financial support or voluntary service you can provide in support of AI's mission. Here's how you can help: (more)