An Advocates International
Prayer Alert  
November 6, 2012

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Two World-Changing Events:
U.S. Presidential Election &
Leadership Transition in China

Dear Friends 


Thank you so much for your continued prayers for the work of Advocates International.  Today we want to remind you to continue to pray for two world-changing situations that are happening today and over the next few days.  Below is the text of an email that we received from a friend of Advocates International, John Robb, the Chairman of the International Prayer Connect.   


"Prayer that ignores the Powers ends up blaming God for evils committed by the Powers.... God's hands are effectively tied when we fail to pray. That is the dignity and urgency of our praying."  -Walter Wink        


Prayer Alert: Two World-Changing Situations       This week, two critical political developments are happening that will influence our world for years to come- a transition of leadership in China and the U.S. election. Please join your prayers to ours for "His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven". He has given His Church authority to bind principalities and powers and to determine the politics of nations through our prayers of unity and faith in the power of the Holy Spirit!              


1. New Leadership for China  
From inside China a prayer leader- friend writes: "The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be the next major Communist Party Congress in China. It is scheduled to begin on November 8, 2012 in Beijing, China, at the Great Hall of the People. Due to term and age limit restrictions, seven of the nine members of the most important CCP Central Politburo Standing Committee will be retiring. This includes current Paramount Leader Hu Jintao, who will step down as the powerful party's General Secretary. The Congress will elect the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and will likely elect currently touted successors into power, who will lead China for the next ten years. Because the communist Party is the ruling party in China, so the importance of this congress for us is just like the U.S election for America. We would like to kindly invite you to please stand with us at this critical moment."

Let's agree in prayer with our Chinese brothers and sisters for good new leaders that will take China forward into its destiny for God's kingdom and that increasing political and religious freedom will be the result of this important leadership transition.        


2. America's Election, November 6    For years, America has seemed to wander in the darkness without clear moral and spiritual vision for the future. We have also been hit hard by economic recession and division within our government and society. Tuesday, American voters face what could be the most important national election we have ever participated in. Surely we need "a new day for the USA"!        

Please pray with us that people will get to the polls and vote for politicians who support Judeo-Christian values such as the right to life and marriage between one man and one woman, as well as policies that uphold our constitution and the rule of law and present a sound economic plan that takes the nation out of debt and into the future the Lord has for us. We need moral and spiritual revival especially!          


The Bible says our conflict is not against human beings. Agree with us that principalities and powers of darkness will be bound (Matthew 18:19), wicked leaders removed or prevented from getting into power, the media cleansed from corruption and deception, and that good and honest leaders will be placed in the White House, Congress and state governments around the country so that this nation will have a new beginning.        


As we all know, God uses the prayers of His people to shape history! Thanks for praying for China and the USA at this crucial time in the history of both nations.        


Yours in Christ,        


John Robb

International Prayer Connect Chairman



We want to encourage all of you to continue to pray for these very important events.  If you are in the USA, please vote. 


May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect. . .


Grace and Peace,

Brent Sig
Brent McBurney


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           We are always looking to identify, train, equip, enable  and mobilize advocates,like you, all over the world who are inspired by our core values and want to protect and defend religious freedom, the rule of law, the right to life, peace and reconciliation, human rights and justice for the poor. 

           You can join with us by going to our web site and signing on!  Thanks.

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