Worship Fertilizer from Dave Helmuth and Ad Lib Music
Three worship training opportunites

You can click here for more details on the training opportunities this week with Grant Norsworthy, but what is a "worship-driven church"?

Maybe you've never wondered if your church should be "worship-driven." In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples how relevant to the culture He was. Then He got in their faces and asked them what personal revelation they had of Him. Their testimony? "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." He proceeded to make a standard-creating, normative statement. I'm going to build My church on My revelation and not even a church split will be able to defeat it.
Sure that's my paraphrase, but you get the idea.
Matt Redman describes worship as "our response to the revelation of God." So if Jesus builds His church on the revelation of Himself, and the act of worship is how we respond to that revelation, these encounters with God are foundational to the health and growth of His church. That's what I mean by a "worship-driven church."
So what does that look like?
The view from the Ad Lib headquarters

5 Marks Of A Worship-Driven Church


1. The Center is Christ.


This may be easier to see if we understand the anti-definition first. The center is not our mission, our tradition, our great idea, our favorite something, our comfort, our theological soapbox, or whether or not our denomination gives the thumbs up to homosexual pastors. We are consumed, intimately consumed with the Godhead...the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. It's like it's all we really care about. And it's so unifying because it turns all the other noise way down!

2. Oh my goodness, how we sing!


Raise your hand if you hate to sing. Raise your hand if you love to sing. Hello both of you. It mystifies me to think that God has always given singing to His people as a primary method of worshiping, of declaring, of praying, of lamenting, of celebrating, of communing. He commands it, actually. Often. Sure our hearts are to be fully engaged as well, but we know how to belt, how to reach inside, make a choice, and let 'er rip!

3.     Our musicians have learned how to make singing easy.


In the spectrum of performer to accompanist, our bands have learned to set up congregational singing more as accompanists than as performers. Sure, they prophesy, express, and inspire on their instruments, but they are keenly aware of their role. They're not like priests that focus on the smell and taste of the meat they just altar-grilled. Rather, they fulfill the holy call of creating places of meeting for God's people. How, you ask? As artists, they've taken great pains to hone their craft so that the music grooves, feels right, and evokes singing just by the way it's played.

4.     The "music time" isn't "special" or "cursory" (token), but rather it's "core."


When we sing, we realize and celebrate that it's a core reason for gathering. "One generation will praise Your works to another and tell of Your mighty acts," Psalm 145 instructs. When we gather, each of us brings something that shows who God is (1 Corinthians 12) and we gather with armloads of "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." (Colossians 3:16)

5.     It gets noisy and it's free.


One thing we know about biblical worship is that it's generous...it goes beyond the minimum. Isaiah 43 gives us insight into God's heart for His people. He's addressing "the people I made especially for myself, a people custom-made to praise me." And He rants "It wasn't that I asked that much from you. I didn't expect expensive presents. But you didn't even do the minimum -- so stingy with me, so closefisted." As a worship-driven church, we will always be excessive, going beyond the minimum with our giving in worship. And freedom will mark us when God is among us because "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there is liberty!" (2 Corinthians 3:17)
I hope that these things mark the congregation you belong to. If they don't yet, may God give you wisdom, grace, favor, and the revelation to move toward becoming a more worship-driven church...for His glory and fame!
Thanks for reading! And if you can, I'd love to see you at one of Grant's events on February tomorrow and Thursday.
I'd love to hear from you! (just respond to this email) 
This is the 85th Fertilizer! Click here to catch up on previous Fertilizers and here to get a printable version of this Fertilizer.
How you can get training!
A Night TO Worship - breathing room with Grant Norsworthy (Wednesday, February 10 from 7-9 PM)
Linger in songs and stories, and allow God to speak to your heart. Fellowship with like-hearted friends. These nights have always been special and refreshing. This one is held at WJTL's Junction Center. Reserve your free spot here. Here's a flyer you can share with your friends.

Worship Leaders Lunch with Grant Norsworthy (Thursday, February 11 at 12:00 noon)
Join us for a special worship leader lunch! Former SONICFLOOd and Paul Colman Trio member, Grant Norsworthy is a Dove Award winning musician and speaker on worship. He will join us for a casual discussion over lunch in the private room at Oregon Dairy.

More Than Music Workshop with Grant Norsworthy (Thursday, February 11 from 7-9 PM)
We can so easily get bogged down in what we do in The Church with music. But WHAT we do with sacred music only comes into focus as it submits to WHY  we do it. Once we have clearly established WHY we play/sing/mix etc, what we do can be re-examined. sharpened and made more effective. I'd like to encourage your teams of instrumentalists, singers and techies with a fresh, yet timeless perspective of worship and give practical tips to help us facilitate worship through songs more effectively. Join us at Elizabethtown Mennonite Church and register for free here. If you want to get the word out, here's a flyer to share.

The Worship Link Spring Workshop (Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 including lunch)
This will be an outstanding morning of worship and teaching! Get this: it only costs $10 for you or $75 for your WHOLE CHURCH to attend! What a deal, no?! Manor Church will be hosting this one. Check www.theworshiplink.com for details.

The Worship Link Fall Workshop (Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 including lunch)
Stay tuned for details.

Worship leader groups
How you can get connected!

Women Worship Leaders Group (March 2 at 8:00 AM)
There's something unique about leading worship as women. Join us each month as we support each other's journey. We meet at The Dragonfly Caf�. Contact Dave for details for the first meeting.

Harrisburg Alliance of Worship Leaders
(Saturday February 27 at 9:00 AM, location TBA)
Every other month, worship leaders in Harrisburg and the surrounding areas gather to enrich, educate, and encourage each other. Visit us on Facebook!. Dates for 2016 are: Feb 27th, April 30th, June 25th, Aug 27th, Oct 29th, and Dec 17th.
Mean Cup Mondays (March 7 at 7:00-8:30 AM, first Monday of each month)
Coffee up with other worship leaders. Great conversations. Encouragement. Friendship. Contact Jeremy for details.

Lititz One (March 2 at noon)
On the first Wednesday of each month, worship leaders in Lititz gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at Beijing Szechwan. Details.

Ephrata Guild (March 3 at noon)
On the first Thursday of each month, worship leaders in Ephrata gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at La Borimex. Details.

Strasburg Cadence (March 1 at 6:00 PM)
On the first Tuesday of each month, worship leaders in and around Strasburg gather for dinner and to encourage each other. Join us from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Pizza City. Contact Rick for details.

Reading City Worship Leaders (March 1 at 7:00 AM)
On the first Tuesday morning or Wednesday noon of every month, worship leaders in and around the Reading/Berks County area gather for breakfast or lunch. In March, it's breakfast at Wyomissing Family Restaurant at 7:00 AM. Contact Kevin for details.
Elizabethtown Cohort (February 29 at 7:00 AM)
This is a newly forming group that meets on the last day of every month at Folklore Coffee. Contact Dave for details.

Columbus, Ohio (TBA)
This is a newly forming group led by Coach Loren Miller. Email loren@adlibmusic.com for the details. If you know a leader around the Columbus area, pass it on!

The Church Collective: Philadelphia Connect Group (TBA)
This is a yet-forming group in the Philly area. Click here for details.

Your town! Do you want us to help you start one in your area? We're game! Just email dave@adlibmusic.com.
So in December 2014, when I started my role as minister of worship at Elizabethtown Mennonite Church, I started a chronicle of my process and learnings there...which have been profound and plentiful! I occasionally share some of them on my blog At Least That's How I Did It. You're welcome to follow along.
Dave Helmuth
You are receiving this email because at some point in your journey, Dave Helmuth, Ad Lib Music, or someone connected to us, helped you grow in your relationship with the LORD through worship. If you ever find this resource unhelpful, simply unsubscribe below and continue on your merry way. 



Dave Helmuth
In simple love and pure devotion to Jesus, we are eradicating isolation and burnout so that leaders bear much fruit!

Email: dave@adlibmusic.com 

Phone - 717.468.6428

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�nimo: courage, refresh, transform, bring to life, encourage, inspire, intentionally cheer up,
come on, it's not far now!