Worship Fertilizer from Dave Helmuth and Ad Lib Music


Ever had a hard time worshiping because you just weren't "ready?" This is what I learned when I showed up to play on the worship team with a Sunday-only rehearsal.


This isn't about how to get people that are chronically late and who haven't looked at the music to show up on time with their parts learned. (You can do that by agreeing on a "set up time" and a "downbeat time," by teaching them how to listen to the music, and by giving the music to them one or two weeks before rehearsal.)


First of all, I wasn't in my typical role of leader. I was an acoustic guitar player and a singer, so I felt like much of a typical worship team might feel. Second, it was the first time I'd played half of the songs. Third, the songs I did know either had different chords or the way they were being played was different.


"Wow, is this what lots of worship team members feel like on many weeks?" Here's what I experienced and why it's so important to have plenty of time with the music before you try to lead with it.


Arriving Late And Unprepared 


I couldn't sing out

Sure, I could hum-sing it. I could get most of the words out. But I certainly didn't have the bandwidth to belt. Why is this important? Well, we're not commanded to "declare the lovingkindness of the Lord... in our hearts." It's "...with our mouths" and with "all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!"


I couldn't be creative

It's like there's a "hierarchy of needs" in playing music. Let me explain. I don't complain about a slow internet connection when I haven't had food to eat for a week. I don't think about sunscreen when I'm trying desperately to swim back to the surface of the water so I can breathe again. Likewise, I can't express creatively if I am just playing through the chords on the page, if I'm just trying to find a good strumming pattern that fits the feel of the song. Why is this important? Well, otherwise why not just play the original recording right from YouTube?


I couldn't worship

There was a moment or two in the actual service that I was able to respond to the revelation of God. But most of the time I was focused on the notes, rhythms, and arrangements. Why is this important? Two reasons: it misses the whole point for me and it provides a terrible model for the congregation to follow.


I couldn't do the real job of the worship leading team

Singing and playing while worshiping through the songs gives you basic "permission to play" - it's like having the recipe, all the ingredients, the knowledge to cook, all the tools to cook...and then cooking, but never figuring out how to get your family to eat the food and get the nutrition they need. Follow me here. We get on autopilot a whole lot as congregations. We miss "God moments." We don't connect as deeply as we could to the Truth found in the songs we sing. Why is this important? Well, it's a big part of our job as teams (and leaders especially) to activate each other, to enable the revelation (so we can respond), to help the congregation "get" what we're doing and see the beauty in the moment.


So here's my plea. You may be able to "pull off" a Sunday-only rehearsal, or a new song that the team hears for the first time at rehearsal, but will your whole team? Do you wish your whole team would be more expressive, more creative, more worshipful, and led more effectively? We need time with the material. Give us time to get comfortable with it. We need to live with it for a bit. Advance notice and a midweek rehearsal can really help!


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breathing room
How you can get training!

breathing room...a Night to Worship (Wednesday, December 10 at 7:00 PM) 
This is not a just a "Night of Worship" but rather it's a "Night TO Worship." Unstructured. Flowing. Spacious. Linger in song and allow God to speak to your heart. Celebrate God's faithfulness. Fellowship with like-hearted friends. On the 10th of every month. The host church sponsors it, so you can attend for free. This one is held at Swamp Christian Fellowship!

The Worship Link Spring Training (Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 8:30 AM to noon plus optional worship leaders lunch)
We'll start with registration and DONUTS at 8:30. The details for workshops are coming together, but we'll be sure to have an audio workshop and one for drums, bass, guitar, piano, and vocals. Check www.theworshiplink.com for details.
How you can get connected!

Harrisburg Alliance of Worship Leaders
(January 17 at 9:00 AM at Elizabethtown Brethren In Christ Church)
Every other month, worship leaders in Harrisburg and the surrounding areas gather to enrich, educate, and encourage each other. Visit us on Facebook!.
First Mondays at Prince Street (January 5 at 6:30-7:30 AM, first Monday of each month)
Coffee up with other worship leaders. Great conversations. Encouragement. Friendship. Details.

Lititz One (January 7 at noon)
On the first Wednesday of each month, worship leaders in Lititz gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at Beijing Szechwan. Details.

Ephrata Guild (January 8 at noon)
On the first Thursday of each month, worship leaders in Ephrata gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at La Borimex. Details.

Strasburg Cadence (January 8 at 6:00 PM)
On the first Thursday of each month, worship leaders in and around Strasburg gather for dinner and to encourage each other. Join us from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Pizza City. Details.

Reading City Worship Leaders (January 6 at 7:00 AM) 
On the first Tuesday of the month, worship leaders in and around the Reading/Berks County area gather at Wyomissing Family Restaurant for breakfast and encouragement. Email Kevin Denlinger.
The Church Collective: Philadelphia Connect Group (TBA)
This is a yet-forming group in the Philly area. Click here for details.

Your town! Do you want us to help you start one in your area? We're game! Just email dave@adlibmusic.com.
You are tried and true...you read all the way to the end! So here's your reward. I have a new blog that chronicles my journey as the new minister of worship at a small Mennonite church. I know. Probably not what you'd expect. But it's awesome! Follow it here.
Dave Helmuth
You are receiving this email because at some point in your journey, Dave Helmuth, Ad Lib Music, or someone connected to us, helped you grow in your relationship with the LORD through worship. If you ever find this resource unhelpful, simply unsubscribe below and continue on your merry way. 



Dave Helmuth
In simple love and pure devotion to Jesus, we are eradicating isolation and burnout so that leaders bear much fruit!

Email: dave@adlibmusic.com 

Phone - 717.468.6428

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�nimo: courage, refresh, transform, bring to life, encourage, inspire, intentionally cheer up,
come on, it's not far now!