Worship Fertilizer from Dave Helmuth and Ad Lib Music


I was sharing a pizza with my friend Jonathan Reuel, and he had this idea that fascinated me. He originally drew this out on the back of the pizza box. (which, of course, is how all great ideas start)


As an artist, I need to be working on these three things all the time: Creativity, Excellence, and Vulnerability. I need all three of them. Most people or groups are better in one or two, but there is something lacking when one isn't present. Imbalance in these may not cause problems in the short term, but they will sabotage your long-term effectiveness.

Colored Pencils wide




Creativity includes pushing the boundaries, growth, taking risks, and not settling for what you know and do well. If you have this without the others, you become inaccessible. If you lack this, you become boring and ignorable.


"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."

Scott Adams


Excellence involves honing your craft, artistic integrity, and relevance (the art of using what is timely to illuminate what is timeless). If you have this without the others, you become shiny and veneered. If you lack this, no one will listen to you for very long...you become endurable.


"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." Steve Jobs


Vulnerability expresses brokenness, guts, passion, transparency, and boasting in weakness (as Paul does in 2 Corinthians 12:9). If you have this without the others, it's just messy. If you lack this, you certainly don't inspire us to open our hearts...you become unapproachable.


Vulnerability: the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say "This is me." @aplusk


Here's to having all three as we pursue our calling in creating spaces where people can meet with God!


Finally, next week is the "first week of November." And what does that mean? Well, after reveling in the extra hour of sleep you'll get this Sunday, and after getting over the jet-lag-like effects of our beloved Daylight Savings Time system (ugh!), you'll recover well because...TADA!
There are FOUR worship leader gatherings that you can come to.
Check them out here!
Click here for a printer-friendly Fertilizer.
I'd love to hear from you! (just respond to this email)
Click here to catch up on previous Fertilizers.
breathing room
How you can get training!

Michael Card Free Pastors' Luncheon (Friday, November 7 at noon)
As part of the Michael Card Biblical Imagination Conference, Living Water Community Church is hosting a free Pastors' Luncheon. Each Pastor in attendance will receive a Michael Card book as a gift from Harvest Productions. RSVP to Cherilyn@livingwatercc.com or call the church office at (717) 564-5003.

Micheal Card presents "Matthew: The Gospel of Identity" (November 7-9)
This is a weekend conference in the Biblical Imagination Series that ends with a concert on Sunday night at 7:00 PM. Living Water Community Church is hosting. Click for details or to register.

breathing room...a Night to Worship (Monday, November 10 at 7:00 PM) 
This is not a just a "Night of Worship" but rather it's a "Night TO Worship." Unstructured. Flowing. Spacious. Linger in song and allow God to speak to your heart. Celebrate God's faithfulness. Fellowship with like-hearted friends. On the 10th of every month. The host church sponsors it, so you can attend for free. This one will be held at the Ephrata First United Methodist Church. Click for details.

The Worship Link Values & Perceptions Workshop (Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 9:00 AM to noon plus optional lunch)
Check www.theworshiplink.com for details.
How you can get connected!

Harrisburg Alliance of Worship Leaders (November 15 at 9:00 AM at Living Water Community Church)
Every other month, worship leaders in Harrisburg and the surrounding areas gather to enrich, educate, and encourage each other. Visit us on Facebook!. Details.
First Mondays at Prince Street (November 3 at 6:30-7:30 AM, first Monday of each month)
Coffee up with other worship leaders. Great conversations. Encouragement. Friendship. Details.

Lititz One (November 5 at noon) On the first Wednesday of each month, worship leaders in Lititz gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at Beijing Szechwan. Details.

Ephrata Guild (November 6 at noon) On the first Thursday of each month, worship leaders in Ephrata gather for lunch and to encourage each other. Join us at noon at La Borimex. Details.

Strasburg Cadence (November 6 at 6:00 PM) On the first Thursday of each month, worship leaders in and around Strasburg gather for dinner and to encourage each other. Join us from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Pizza City. Details.

The Church Collective: Philadelphia Connect Group (TBA)
This is a yet-forming group in the Philly area. Click here for details.

Your town! Do you want us to help you start one in your area? We're game! Just email dave@adlibmusic.com.
Dave Helmuth
You are receiving this email because at some point in your journey, Dave Helmuth, Ad Lib Music, or someone connected to us, helped you grow in your relationship with the LORD through worship. If you ever find this resource unhelpful, simply unsubscribe below and continue on your merry way. 



Dave Helmuth
In simple love and pure devotion to Jesus, we are eradicating isolation and burnout so that leaders bear much fruit!

Email: dave@adlibmusic.com 

Phone - 717.468.6428

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�nimo: courage, refresh, transform, bring to life, encourage, inspire, intentionally cheer up,
come on, it's not far now!