Worship Fertilizer - the what you need to grow in worship

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Why should I?
What to focus on
My existing routines
Create Margin
Stretch & Recover
Sucker-punch the resistance


1017...the current number of Free Chord Charts available from Ad Lib Music

FM 1017


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Worship Training Event

There's something for everyone at Saturday's Lanco Worship Link Free Training Event:

Audio 101, Audio 201, Visual Tech, Worship & Prayer, and Bury Your Music Stand. Register here!


Join Dan Wilt for a free morning of inspiration and training with InspireWorship in Mechanicsburg on April 27th.



The National Worship Leader Conference is at Calvary Church on May 13-15



Tom Kraeuter is coming to Harrisburg on May 18. Let's go!

Worship Seminar


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Worship Fertilizer Podcast


Sometimes reading takes too long. Listen. 


Simple Beauty 

The best websites anywhere!

This is the company that we use for our website. They are simply, beautifully amazing!


Guest Blogging


Guest Blogging

It was super fun to write a guest blog on Jon Nicol's amazing site: worshipteamcoach.com

I'd love to do that for your blog too! 



Constant Contact

How does your church communicate? Use the same affordable tool we use and we both get 30 bucks!


March 9th at 9 AM

Alliance of Worship Leaders

Every other month, worship leaders in Harrisburg and the surrounding areas gather to enrich, educate, and encourage each other.

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Listen to Worship Training

Worship. Training. Audio.



Practical, common-sense answers to your questions. You'll like it!


 Feed my Sheep!


Strengthen the people in your worship ministry with these great weekly devotions






I hope you were inspired by last month's Worship Fertilizer to begin creating a Growth Plan, but chances are that it's collected about 30 days of dust by now. Poor little Growth Plan. Well, this Saturday morning (February 2nd), we'll gather for training, inspiration, and connecting at Lanco Worship Link's "Spiritual and Technical Formation" Free Worship Training Event. At this event, I'll be leading a workshop we're calling "Bury Your Music Stand" - a metaphor for memorizing your music...a popular goal in the Growth Plan.


Following the outline below, we'll walk you though how you can put your own plan into motion. I'll teach for a bit and then we'll actually work on your plan. Cool, huh? (unless you don't live in the area) There's no cost to attend, but please register so that we can plan for enough space for each workshop.


So here's a preview, with plenty of nutrition for this Fertilizer!

Why should I have a Growth Plan or do something about it?

Growth Plan

 If you're asking this question, read the previous Worship Fertilizer.

How do I decide what to focus on? Thanks Jonathan Reuel!  

Sure, the exhaustive list of things that you could work on is long and daunting! First off, you can't work on everything this year. Can't. You've gotta settle the reality that there are things that you can't work on this year. Clear them off of your mental to-do list, your emotional should-do list. Phew.


Now, pick about five of the ones you really want to work on. Use the following grid to decide: which ones will give me the greatest long-term benefit (like learning theory or taking lessons) and which ones will give me the most short-term WINS! (like figuring a way to get to rehearsal on time, or buying a tuner) Select a combination of those two categories.

How do I add them to my existing routines?


That's right. It'll be much more doable if you can figure out how to make small shifts in the way you're doing stuff, rather than adding more things to your schedule. (yes and amen!) Three strategies to use are: Songs, Creating Margin, and Stretch & Recover.


Philip Herndon presents...

The songs we use each week are perfect exercises to use as learning tools. Call it reverse engineering - you need certain skills to play the songs, so figure out what songs require the skills you want to learn and use one of them.

Create Margin

 Bet he wishes he'd have margin!

If we're not going to add anything to our schedules, we can each carve out space from what we're doing. We all do things that are inefficient (using rehearsal time to listen to a new song for the first time, not having a clear schedule for rehearsals, etc.). We also tend to do more than we need to...casualties (or causers) of the Pareto Principle - 80% of stuff gets done by 20% of us. How evenly spread is the load on your team? Who creates or copies chord charts? Who sets up the stage? Who leads the prayer and devotional time? (you have one of these, right?!) Who brings the snacks? :-P If you're the leader, learn to give responsibility away. If you're a team member, look for ways to share the load. Leaders that spend all their time and energy doing everything will have little left to help the team grow.


You may try shifting (or simply clarifying) the rehearsal schedule. For example, if rehearsal is at 7:00 does that mean you start playing at 7:00 or the earliest time that anyone arrives is 7:00? (somewhere, a light bulb just went off...and someone else said "I sure hope he reads this!") Also, is there a slot in the schedule specifically set aside for growth? And there's the real boost: anything that you pay attention to or measure becomes more efficient, simply by the attention it suddenly receives. So if you just plan and track how you spend rehearsal times for a month (without even implementing any changes) you will gain more margin in how much time you have at rehearsals to work on growth!


Using systems is also a great way to create margin. Are you still creating emails and attaching chord chart instead of using Planning Center Online or a similar service? Does your team use standardized chord charts or do you have different, hand-scrawled versions? (what is this, 1993?) Do you use services like CCLI's SongSelect? (yes, I know they're not always correct and you can't edit them, but still...) Do you have checklists for your techs or have you systematized the procedure for sound check or creating the EasyWorship schedule?

Stretch & Recover

Thanks Josh

 I'm learning this valuable practice from a book I'm reading called "The Power of Full Engagement." In every area of our lives we need to exert energy beyond just what's comfortable AND we need to balance that with times of renewal and recovery. (I'll just let that sink in and allow the Lord to speak to your life if your bigger picture needs that - mine does!) For this conversation, if we don't plan for this balance, one of two things may happen: Either you'll get overwhelmed by the thought of "growing, growing, growing...I have too many things to work on!" and you won't do anything, or you'll lose your teammates by going too hard, too fast. Translation: pick one thing you want to work on in one song for this week and push hard on it, but then do the rest of the songs "as usual." That will also help ensure you don't become overly focused on the skills and forget the heart of just loving and worshiping Jesus when you gather for worship.

What resources are available to help me grow?


Yep...black beans!

Good question, because there are tons! And that's not always helpful. In addition to my favorite tools that I shared here, there are three I'd like to give you:

  • Worship Coaching - this is where I come to you, to your church, to your team, and we walk alongside each other for a season of exponential growth. Get details here, and read what others have experienced here.
  • Worship Alliance/Guild - there are small groups of worship leaders that meet to encourage each other regularly. In Central PA, there is one in Ephrata and one in Harrisburg. We truly can't make it without each other. Let me know if you want more info on them.
  • 52 Worship Training Events - I'm not referring to a previous post, I wanted to include this one to get your feedback on the idea as well as to give myself some accountability. Wouldn't it be great to have a little idea that would be easy to use for each rehearsal throughout the year that would give your team a balanced diet of growth based on the Five Areas of the Growth Plan? I'm in the process of writing an e-book that will be this very thing. Does this sound like a helpful tool?
(and of course, come this Saturday to Lanco's free training)

How to sucker-punch the resistance

Pow! right in the Hazelwood

No wise person embarks on a project without counting the cost, and part of that cost are the obstacles that will oppose you, the resistance you'll face. The cool thing is that you can actually think through what might stop you and create a way around it! Trust me, the energy you spend to do this will be so much less that what it will take to get around it once you're facing it!


So if you can't come out on Saturday, you can still comment on the blog or reply to this email for encouragement and support!

Add your comments to the blog


Worship Team Retreat  
"What Dave presented was practical, timely, and God-inspired - we are still talking about what an awesome time we had together!"
  Coaching Moments
Coaching Moments 
A moment in time with a seasoned coach who will listen well, speak into your situation and life, and give you new energy to tackle your challenge can make all the difference.
Rehearsal Coaching  
Rehearsal Coaching 
Whether it's your worship band, garage band, or touring band, you can have Ad Lib Music come to a rehearsal and help you get to the next level!
You are receiving this email because at some point in your journey, Dave Helmuth, Ad Lib Music, or someone connected to us, helped you grow in your relationship with the LORD through worship. If you ever find this resource unhelpful, simply unsubscribe below and continue on your merry way. 



Dave Helmuth
Ad Lib Music
...in simple love and pure devotion to Jesus, we are eradicating isolation and burnout so that leaders bear much fruit!

Email: dave@adlibmusic.com

962 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone - 717.468.6428

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�nimo: courage, refresh, transform, bring to life, encourage,
inspire, intentionally cheer up, come on, it's not far now, animate!

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