In This Issue
Last Week at WEN
Volunteer Opportunities
Rockstar of the Week
Shout Out to Rusty Dague
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Fall Field Season is here!
August 29, 2014
Favorite school, Woodman and WEN's monitoring field trip on Lolo Creek!
Ahhh, fall is here and that change in the air with cooler mornings and evenings can only mean one thing... WEN's school program season has begun!
Join the WEN intern and volunteer team this fall!
School Stream Monitoring fieldtrips are just around the bend! And you can be part of vital water education for Montana students!
WEN is holding three Fall water monitoring trainings for volunteers new and old to learn just how to go about monitoring streams and rivers and teaching the art of water monitoring to students. You can be part of our volunteer crew and assist at several fieldtrips for school groups this fall. Join us for one of these trainings in Greenough Park (covered pavilion north on Monroe St.)

Attend at least one STREAM MONITORING training:
Thursday, Sept. 11th from 4 - 7:30 pm
Saturday, Sept. 13th from 1- 4:30 pm  
Wednesday, Sept. 17th from 4-7:30 pm

Please RSVP to attend any training: email water or call (406) 541-9287 and ask for Becca

Rather collect data on weekends?
Stream Team start date:
Sunday, Sept. 7th at 12 noon.
WEN welcomes back Stream Team leaders Katie Kinney and Sam Dexter! Any and all Stream Team members (new or experienced) arrive at the WEN office by noon. Your field monitoring location TBA. Data collection will wrap up by 4:00. Transportation and snacks provided. Come prepared for any weather, backpack, water bottle, and change of socks.

Sept. 7 Sunday - Stream Team water monitoring - citizen science group gathers fall river and stream data. Meet at WEN's office at 11:30 am on Sunday, Sept. 7th
WEN provides an introduction to Stream Team and all the necessary supplies. You come prepared for all weather; bring a backpack with water bottle, snack and change of socks.12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. RSVP to 
Volunteer Fair at UM's University Center- ground floor
Sept. 9, Tuesday and Sept. 10, Wed. from 10am to 2pm each day Please join WEN at our table in the UC to learn more about internships, volunteer positions and WEN's important water education work. If you are one of our WEN volunteers, please contact Becca to sign up for your shift at the Volunteer Fair

Sept. 11th, Thursday - Volunteer Training
The first of three fall trainings, held in the Greenough Park pavilion from 4:00 -7:30 PM; experienced volunteers are encouraged to join Becca and interns to show the new volunteers how it is done! refreshments provided.

Sept. 13th Saturday - Volunteer Training
The second of three fall trainings, held in the Greenough Park pavilion SATURDAY - from 1:00 to 4:30. Enjoy Farmer's Market in the morning on north Higgins Ave then head to Greenough Park!  Experienced volunteers are encouraged to join Becca and interns to show the new volunteers how it is done! refreshments provided.

Sept. 14th,  Sunday -
Stream Team water monitoring - citizen science group gathers fall river and stream data. Meet at WEN's office at 12 pm on Sunday. WEN provides Stream Team supplies and your faithful leaders. You come prepared for all weather; bring a backpack with water bottle, snack and change of socks.12:00 pm to 4:00 pm  RSVP to
Or stop by our office at the Swift Center for Conservation, 315 So. 4th East, upstairs in Suite 203 to visit in person! Call us at (406) 541-9287 or drop us a line at

WEN's dedicated computer tech: Mike Lessard for the hours of computer upgrades, and making the tech-side of our work world run smoothly! Thank you Mike! U-ROCK!

Shout out! 

The Windermere Real Estate team for the 2014 SUP Cup -- a huge success! We appreciate the generous contribution to WEN's water education programs as a beneficiary of this fabulous community event! 
Windermere SUP Cup check presentation to WEN on August 26th, 2014
If you missed Stand Up Paddle board (SUP) fun this year- all is not lost! Mark your calendars: SUP Cup 2015 - Sunday, July 19th, 2015 -- be sure to join the fun!    

To learn more and see photos of WEN's work and events, please visit us on Facebook, Watershed Education Network!  

Help Us Continue to Keep Kids at the River!

Your support helps keep kids at the river. Now through October 31st, any donations will be matched, up to $6,000! Huge thanks to WestSlope Chapter Trout for your support. Get kids to the river today!

All of us here at the Watershed Education Network
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