A state-of-the-art tool making campaign contributions and expenditures
| Total political contributions in Illinois, 1994 to present |
Total Contributions in 2015: $108,234,067
Total August Contributions: $5,323,819
September Contributions to Date: $433,039
Total Contributions this Week: $1,581,216
Number of Contributions this Week: 424
Total contribution figures include donations, transfers, inkind contributions, loans,
and other types of monetary exchanges between donors and PACs.
Aug 27 - Sept 3
| donated $421,588 to |
| 8/27 | Eve Reilly | loaned $25,000 to | Committee to Elect Judge Eve Marie Reilly for Judge | 8/27 | Ryan Enterprises Group | donated $10,000 to | Committee to Elect Dan Duffy | 8/31 | Erika Spyropoulos | donated $10,000 to | Citizens for Mariyana Spyropoulos | 8/31 | AGL Resources | donated $10,000 to | Citizens for Durkin | 8/31 | Illinois AFL-CIO (member dues) | donated $7,500 to | Illinois AFL-CIO COPE | 8/28 | Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. | donated $7,000 to | Democratic Party of Illinois | 9/02 | Cutters | donated inkind $6,000 to | Friends of Rick Stone | 8/31 | Kevin Kenzinger | donated $5,999 to | IUOE Local 399 Political Education Fund | 9/01 | JOHN O'ROURKE | donated $5,950 to | IUOE Local 399 Political Education Fund | 9/01 |
Citizens for Judge Alison Conlon | transferred $40,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 8/31 | Citizens to Elect Karen Yarbrough | transferred $30,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 9/02 | Maureen O'Donoghue Hannon for Judge | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 8/31 | Elect Judge Burke | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 8/31 | Committee to Elect Daniel Patrick Duffy | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 8/31 | Brendan O'Brien for Judge | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 8/31 | Friends of Josina Morita | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 9/01 | Friends of Devlin Schoop | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 9/01 | Committee to Elect Judge Rossana P. Fernandez | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 9/01 | Citizens for John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. | transferred $25,000 to | Cook County Democratic Party | 9/01 |
Aug 27 - Sept 3
# | Committee | Type | New Funds | Current Funds | 1 | Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC | Political Action |
| 2 | Cook County Democratic Party | Political Party |
| 3 | Democratic Party of Illinois | Political Party |
| 4 | Friends of Jeffrey Tobolski | Candidate |
| 5 | Citizens for Durkin | Candidate |
| 6 | IUOE Local 399 Political Education Fund | Political Action |
| 7 | Citizens for Lou Lang | Candidate |
| 8 | Committee to Elect Judge Eve Marie Reilly for Judge | Candidate |
| 9 | Illinois AFL-CIO COPE | Political Action |
| 10 | 13th Ward Democratic Org | Political Party |
As of Sept 3
# | Committee | Type | Current Funds | 1 | Citizens for Rauner, Inc | Candidate |
| 2 | IllinoisGO IE | Independent Expenditure |
| 3 | Friends of Edward M Burke | Candidate |
| 4 | Turnaround Illinois | Independent Expenditure |
| 5 | Citizens for Lisa Madigan | Candidate |
| 6 | Illinois State Medical Society PAC | Political Action |
| 7 | Stand for Children IL PAC | Political Action |
| 8 | Laborers' Political League - Great Lakes Region | Political Action |
| 9 | Citizens for Lou Lang | Candidate |
| 10 | The Burnham Committee | Political Action |
All data is sourced daily from the Illinois State Board of Elections
 Brought to you by:
The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
36 W Randolph #405, Chicago
Your support is always appreciated.