
 The VIP Insider
  April 2010

In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation,

there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.

--Marianne Williamson


In honor of National Volunteer Week, April 19-25, I want to give a heartfelt "thank you" to all of you, our precious volunteers.  Every day, you play a prominent role in the lives of our citizens.  Your commitment and dedication has been woven into the very fabric of our community and we appreciate and recognize all you do.  Because of you, not only are more services available, but those services are made available faster.  Perhaps the world doesn't remember individual acts of kindness, but people do. 

This year Collin County Lone Star Salute nominees come from a variety of City departments.  In this edition, VIP Supervisors share stories about the commitment and impact their volunteers make on their departments and the community as a whole, showing that together we create a powerful force. 


VIP Nominees include:

Chad Henry, Environmental Education

Clay Randall, Environmental Education

Jill Young, Police Department

Karen Suiter, Planning

Library Links with Seniors

Melissa Sherman, Animal Shelter

 Mildred Cabrera, Finance

Mogana Vasikaran, Plano Television Network

Tanis Roelofs, Sustainability

Taylor Schrody, Therapeutic Recreation


Please click here to view each nominees' story. 


Thank you from all of us at the City of Plano!

Robin Popik

City of Plano
Volunteer Resources Group
Robin Popik, Volunteer Resources Supervisor,
Corina Sadler, Volunteer Resources Coordinator, 
1409 K Avenue, Plano, TX 75074