It's Pesto Season!

Have you tried carrot top and lamb-quarters pesto?

Recipe & Information brought to you by

Different bodies handle foods in different ways.

Enjoy a wide variety of leafy greens and herbs to provide an abundance of different vitamins and minerals in different quantities.


Pesto can become a wealth of super nutrients. When made with super herbs and greens, and the flavor! WOW! I'm talking about pesto made with carrot tops, sage, and even lambs-quarters!  


What you say? Carrot tops? Lamb-quarters?
These are some overlooked greens that often get tossed without a second though,
yet are delicious and nutritious!





Carrot greens ARE considered edible and are highly nutritive, rich in protein,  minerals and vitamins! They contain 6 times the vitamin C of the root and are a great source of potassium and calcium. Also packed with chlorophyll, an excellent source of magnesium, which promotes healthy blood pressure as well as strong bones and muscles, and has been noted to purify the blood, lymph nodes and adrenal glands.

Lambs-quarters will magically appear anywhere bare earth shows in garden plots. And it's considered a weed because few companies sell the seeds to make it sound domesticated.


Lambs-quarters produce spinach-flavored leaves you can collect from mid-spring to late fall. It's one of the best sources of beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and iron in the world; also a great source of trace minerals, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, and fiber.



Pesto Recipe

Blend packed lambs-quarters, carrot tops, and sage leaves, (the amounts will be based on what is available, a ratio of 1 bunch carrot tops: 1 bunch lambs-quarters: � bunch sage)  

olive oil until desired consistency, 1/2 cup hemp hearts (hemp seeds),  

2 to 4 garlic cloves and 1/2 teaspoon salt

  Blend in a food processor until almost smooth.  

Be creative, add fresh thyme, marjoram, micro greens, or even basil to your mix.



Do you really need any more reasons to include these 2 superfoods in your diet?


Besides making pesto, you can add these two greens to salads or add to other saut�ed greens.


Pesto can be used to flavor so many things!  

A dollop on my stir fry zucchini, or on scrambled eggs in the morning,  

there are SO many ways to use pesto!   


Bon app�tit!


Talk with me to find out what is your next favorite superfood pesto ingredient!



Hope to hear from you soon, as my rates will go up in September.

Collin Ruiz  
