ISHA's Aromatherapy Newsletter
Offering a Nationally Recognized Certification in Clinical Aromatherapy Program
May 2015
 Greetings from Deb!

This month our study focuses are the use of peppermint and exercise.  We may not realize how valuable our essential oils can be to assist with balance and strength.


I collaborated with a yoga instructor offering essential oils during our yoga class.  It was a visible difference with balance and focus holding a dynamic pose when the individual inhaled a stimulating oil such as peppermint.  Your essential oils can be part of everyday living including your exercise/fitness plan.  Enjoy!


Best wishes,


Quick Links
In This Issue
Peppermint oil and exercise
Newly Certified
Words of Caution about Social Media
Nursing Contact Hours
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Finding the Schedule
How Do I Find a CCA Course Near Me? 

Here is your CCA link:

Here is the link for the HTSM Classes:


Healing Touch Professional Association Supports our ISHA Aromatherapy 
ISHA students and graduates  have a professional association welcoming them into their ranks.

Yearly Dues are very affordable  at only a $100 a year.
See what HTPA Membership offers you:        Click HERE

New ISHA Office Address
Mailing Address: 
PO Box 32097
Knoxville, TN  37930

Physical Address:
141 N. Martinwood Rd.
Suite 104, Rm 1
Knoxville, TN 37923 

Phone: 865-357-1541

Hours: 9:00 - 5:30 (Eastern Time) 

 Continuing Education Classes NOW Available
Continuing Education Opportunities 

502: Essential Oils for Cancer Care
Developed by Deb Reis

505: Aromatherapy for a Healthy Practice
Developed by Deb Reis  

506: Aromatherapy for Massage Therapists
Developed by Deb Reis   

See our Web site for further descriptions and a schedule of classes
Legally Protecting Yourself
Are You Operating as an Aromatherapist without a License?

Looking for a way to practice aromatherapy when you don't have a license to practice anything? Then contact Nancy Weber, one of our CCA graduates if you are looking for a means of practicing under the law without having a license.


 Nancy writes,

N. Weber "In the U.S. we may belong to as many religious organizations as we want. Lightwing Center, a 501C3 church has a very specific Ministerial Directive for all holistic practices. All holistic and/or organic practices including but not limited to Young Living Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Reiki, organic gardens, and more are part of the Lightwing Center's church directive. Our Ministerial Directive is given through a one day course along with a notarized contract making this a very healthy safety-net everywhere in the U.S.

What may not be approved of by government, local or federal, can be acceptable providing it is the Directives issued by a religious body. For example the Code of Federal Regulations states: Members of the Native American Church are exempt from federal criminal penalties for religious use of peyote. 

For further information:    

888-266-9462 -  

Peppermint Oil and Exercise


peppermiint leaf
Peppermint Leaf


This month our study focuses are the use of peppermint and exercise.  We may not realize how valuable our essential oils can be to assist with balance and strength.  I collaborated with a yoga instructor offering essential oils during our yoga class.  It was a visible difference with balance and focus holding a dynamic pose when the individual inhaled a stimulating oil such as peppermint.  Your essential oils can be part of everyday living including your exercise/fitness plan.  Enjoy!


Re: Peppermint Oil Intake Improves Several Parameters of Exercise Performance

Meamarbashi A. Instant effects of peppermint essential oil on the physiological parameters and exercise performance. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2014;4(1):72-78.


The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effects of peppermint essential oil intake on parameters associated with exercise performance.


A total of 30 healthy male students were recruited to participate in this study from a University in Iran. These subjects were divided equally into 2 groups - a group that received 50 μl of pure peppermint essential oil (manufacturer unknown) onto the tongue using a sampler and a control group that received mineral water onto the tongue. Before and after administration of the peppermint oil or the mineral water (5 minutes after and 1 hour after), the maximum isometric grip force, standing vertical jump, standing long jump, forced spirometry, reaction time, blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and breath rate were measured.


After 1 hour, the experimental group had a significant increase isometric grip force compared to pre-treatment, whereas the control group actually had a decline, albeit non-significant, in isometric grip 5 minutes after the treatment. In comparison to the pre-treatment values, the group supplemented with peppermint oil also had a significant increase in the standing vertical jump distance both at 5 minutes and 1 hour post-treatment as well as a significant increase in standing long jump distance at 1 hour post-treatment. The percent increase at 1 hour post-treatment was also considerably greater than the control groups.


-Laura M. Bystrom, PhD


Essential Oil Precautions

General Safety Guidelines and Information regarding essential oils.


Are you as familiar as you should be with the general safety guidelines and safety information regarding essential oil use? Not sure?  Click here to go to the NAHA site for the safety tips.  


Newly Certified
Congratulations to our Newly Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

336  Sharon Wilkes, Duffy, AU

Caution: FDA Looking at Social Media

It has come to our attention that the FDA is sending warnings to Essential Oil companies and some of their distributors due to what they consider medical claims about the oils. Attached is the warning from NAHA for your information. Please read!


ISHA has always taught about NOT making medical claims. This language is clear in all student manuals involving essential oils. It would be wise to follow the recommendations given by NAHA.

Be aware that this is becoming a greater issue-be careful what you post, especially if you have a business page.


Nursing Contact Hours
Nursing Continuing Education

As announced in previous newsletters, ISHA can (through an arrangement with Taylor College in Los Angeles) begin offering nursing CEs for courses attended through ISHA. Not all states require nursing continuing education for licensure but for those that do, Taylor College has gone the extra mile and become a provider of nursing CEs. Taylor College has approved our curriculum and is willing to grant CEs for attending any of ISHA's courses.

Here is what you do if you desire nursing continuing education credit:

1. Contact the ISHA office for form to fill out (may receive in class)
2. Mail a copy of your ISHA certificate of attendance and a check for $15 made out to Taylor College to: 

Taylor College for Continuing Education
Attn: Norman Heavens RN, MS, PhD, PHN
PO Box 93666
Los Angeles, CA 90093-0666


Liability Insurance A Must!

HTPA Offers Liability Insurance for Aromatherapy+ Lots More!

Are you looking for liability insurance to cover you as a practicing aromatherapist or a Raindrop practitioner? Wouldn't you like to have liability insurance that covers all the healing modalities that you practice? Well the Healing Touch Professional Association offers liability insurance that covers over 30 different healing modalities. That includes all kinds of energy work like Healing Touch, acupressure, applied kinesiology, craniosacral, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu, pranic healing, Reiki, and many more;  modalities that touch the body like massage therapy and reflexology; verbal modalities like guided imagery, hypnotherapy, and spiritual counseling; modalities that involve movement like yoga, tai chi and Qigong; Subtle energy of the Senses like Aromatherapy; assessment like biofeedback and iridology. 
How do you get such affordable liability insurance? Go to 
 and see what they have to offer.
About ISHA The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, Inc. sponsors two programs in continuing education: The Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Program and the Certification in Clinical Aromatherapy. Our ministry is to help restore healing in Christianity. 
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