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Labor on Purpose 
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August 30, 2013



As Labor Day approaches in the United States, I find myself Labor Day thinking about the different ways people look at work. If you are blessed like me, the work you do is a direct reflection of your purpose and passion. It's who you are and why you're here. Some people view work as a means to an end and something that shouldn't be enjoyed. Others are happy just to have a job and some have been looking for a job for a while.


When I talk to audiences and clients about finding their life purpose and expressing that purpose in their work, I explain it's a combination of your key values, motivators and natural gifts. Read more about how to Define Your Life Purpose in this earlier enewsletter.



I recently had the pleasure to speak to about a thousand high-energy chriropractic students at Life University. They're clearly fulfilling their purpose and passion as healers who help others achieve their optimum potential.


On this Labor Day and throughout the year, I wish you work and/or service that honors who you are and why you're here. Happy Labor Day!

Do you labor on purpose? Share your wisdom on my Facebook page or reply back to me. I love hearing from you!


To Your Wisdom, 



PS: If this message resonates with you, please share it by forwarding it or clicking on the social media buttons above. 



Attend a CRAVE Your Goals! Program

NEWIn October, I am presenting CRAVE Your Goals! at the Network of Executive Women's Leadership Summit in Los Angeles. The event is sponsored by Coca-Cola, Deloitte and Kraft.
Private programs include General Electric, Kettering Executive Network for Women and the Georgia Council Against Domestic Violence.*
To see details on the NEW Leadership Summit and other public programs, go to my events page.  
*Once a quarter, I provide a pro bono program for a worthy nonprofit in the Atlanta area. Contact me if you would like to nominate an organization whose staff and/or clients would benefit from my empowering message. 



Hire a Speaker Who Inspires Success!
Tricia Molloy is a motivational speaker on change management and leadership through wise business practices.

Her Working with Wisdom programs, CRAVE Your Goals!, DESIGN Your Ideal Life! and Work-Life Balance Wisdom, inspire people to be more positive, proactive and productive so they can achieve their priority goals faster and easier.
They are available as employee development talks, workshops and webinars, and conference keynotes. Join organizations like Kimberly-Clark, IBM, The Home Depot and the Project Management Institute and benefit from these innovative programs.   
Tricia also offers one-on-one Wisdom Mentoring for women entrepreneurs and professionals.


Learn More and Schedule Your Program

Special Working with Wisdom Offer

WwW Book
When you purchase 
Working with Wisdom as a paperback or ebook on my website, you'll receive the MP3 audio book free. Just write "audio book" in the instructions section when you check out. 
Each track is a separate chapter or principle and designed to inspire you on your daily commute or walk. 
You can also download the CRAVE Your Goals! and DESIGN Your Ideal Life! ebooks.


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