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Look for Signs of Abundance
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March 27, 2013





What we focus on expands and what we appreciate appreciates. That is a universal law.


For the next week, take the time to tune into abundance. It might be the cornucopia of fruits and vegetables at your local market, a friend's good fortune when he tells you of his promotion, or the carpet of bright yellow daffodils in your neighbor's front lawn.


The more we focus on the good, what's going right and ingenious examples of natural and man-made bounty, the more we can imagine that in our own life. Keep a list of what you discover and use that inspiration for creative problem-solving and strategic planning.


For me, the latest sign of abundance literally came as a sign across the street from where I met a friend for lunch yesterday. 250 Flavors of Popcorn. "250 flavors?" I asked incredulously. "I can't even name that many flavors, let alone ones I can imagine on popcorn. I have to see it for myself." 



So I popped into Popcorn Haven in Atlanta and was greeted by rows of tubs with labels that read: "Dill Pickle," "Crab Legs," "Buffalo Chicken Wings with Bleu Cheese," "Saltwater Taffy," "Watermelon," "Dark Chocolate Pomegranate," "Pumpkin Cheesecake" and "S'mores."


After sampling a half dozen or so, I safely settled for a combination bag of mint chocolate chip and key lime pie. But I'll be back soon for something more adventurous. 

What signs of abundance do you see and how does that inspire you? Share your wisdom on my Facebook page or reply back to me. I love hearing from you!


To Your Wisdom, 



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Attend a Free "CRAVE Your Goals!" Workshop
Learn the Five Steps to Success

On Thursday, March 28, I'm presenting a free "CRAVE Your KSU Goals!" workshop at the Kennesaw State University Executive MBA Speaker Series, and you're invited! We'll explore how to apply the five CRAVE stepto enjoy more success at work and in life. 

Networking begins at 7:30 and the program is from 8 to 11 am. There's no cost. Seating is limited and registration is required. Will I see you there?

Hire a Speaker Who Inspires Success!
Tricia Molloy
Tricia Molloy is a motivational speaker on change management and leadership through wise business practices.

Her Working with Wisdom programs, "CRAVE Your Goals!" and "DESIGN Your Ideal Life!," inspire people to be more positive, proactive and productive so they can achieve their priority goals faster and easier.
They are available as employee development talks, workshops and webinars, and conference keynotes. Join organizations like Kimberly-Clark, IBM, The Home Depot and the Project Management Institute and benefit from these innovative programs.   
Tricia also offers one-on-one Wisdom Mentoring for women entrepreneurs and professionals.


Learn More and Schedule Your Program

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At the Working with Wisdom store, you'll find Working with Wisdom as a book, ebook and audio book.

You can also download the CRAVE Your Goals! on-demand webinar and the
CRAVE Your Goals! and DESIGN Your Ideal Life! ebooks.




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