NAIBAhood News
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The Times Herald-Record, the Newspaper of the Catskill and Hudson Valley, named Ye Olde Warwick Book Shoppe "1st Place Winner" for Best Bookstore. Congratulations!

Read about our NAIBA stores who are taking part in the HarperCollins and Ingram bundling program.
Fall Conference Author
Sunday Author Breakfast
Jon Ronson will be at the NAIBA Fall Conference to promote his new title, Shame (Penguin).

Here's a link to a video about Ronson's book, "The Psychopath Test" 
Join Our Mailing List
Hachette Open House
August 6, 2014
We are so excited that the booksellers in our region will have the opportunity to meet with Hachette this week. We have received such a great response that the event is now sold out.
Remember, you don't have to be present to bring up any questions you may have. If you have a question you'd like to ask, email Eileen as soon as possible.

Publicity Speed Dating
We are so happy to announce that NAIBA's first ever publicity speed dating event will be on October 8, 2014. The event will take place at the NYU Kimmel Center in New York City. 
*This event is open to current NAIBA members ONLY.*
Seating is VERY limited. 
Bookseller & Publisher registration is open now
Contact Update
Please note info@naiba.com is no longer active.

Please use the following email address to contact Eileen Dengler: NAIBAeileen@gmail.com

Please use the following email address for general NAIBA emails or to reach Kerri Leonard: NAIBAbooksellers@gmail.com
Vote Now for
Books of the Year & NAIBA Board Members

The Books of the Year Survey can be taken by clicking here.

Please fax or email NAIBA the form to vote for NAIBA Board Members.
Fall "Discovery" Conference Update

Make your Fall Conference room reservation today by clicking here. Rate is $119 per night.
Click here for the Fall Conference Schedule

Click here for bookseller registration

Click here for the publisher registration

Workman will provide a special cocktail at our Saturday Reception. The recipe will be from The 12 Bottle Bar by David Solmonson & Lesley Jacobs Solmonson.

Basil Software will conduct a users group meeting on Saturday, Sept. 20 on the exhibit floor.Please bring your old cell phones to the Fall Conference. BINC will be recycling them for for their latest fundraiser. 
Towne Book Center & Cafe
Diverse Books Display  
Towne Book Center & Cafe's New Diversity Display

The photo to the right was sent to us by Kit Little from Towne Book Center & Cafe in Collegeville, PA. 


This is their store's new diversity display located on the first end cap inside their main entrance. It is a fluid display and is intend for display for an extended period of time. At its creation, it was LGBT focused but it changes as new books are added. In just a few days they have sold out of a many titles. As a title sells, it is replaced with another copy of the same or, if that isn't on hand, with another title that honors the intent of the display beyond its initial theme.


Towne Book's merchandising team is dedicated to using this display to highlight excellent literature that will inspire and create necessary dialogue and expand the minds and worlds of their customers. Their social media team has been promoting it via various social media outlets. 


The staff has created and keeps adding a list of new titles and authors to feature. If you have an author or title that is appropriate based on character, setting, subject matter, etc, Towne Book would love to incorporate it. Please email Kit with any recommendations.


If there's something interesting you'd like to share with us all, please email us.

eileen signature
Eileen Dengler
New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Assn