GenOn's monthly newsletter featuring insights, ideas, events, resources, and announcements.
September/October 2014 News

It's a new year, so let's IMAGINE....

Rev. Chris Denny, Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown, N.C.


... The energy of a kindergartner being matched one-for-one on the basketball court by an elder of your church... 

... Middle-school students reading Scripture in worship with passion and understanding...

... Children and adults sharing laughter, hugs, and a good meal every week...

... God's love shared through growing relationships between the youngest and the oldest in your church...


ALL of that -- and more -- can happen every week at LOGOS. Don't miss this opportunity to experience God's love in transforming ways! When does your LOGOS program start this fall? Please share what you IMAGINE you'll look forward to most via our Facebook page or GenOn's website.

FAITH 5: Five steps to deepening your family's faith

Liz Perraud, Executive Director, GenOn Ministries


My friend, Rich Melheim of Faith Inkubators, teaches "FAITH 5," a way to instill faith practices in children (and parents) that is simple and profound, as a family's faith at home should be.


The steps of the FAITH 5 are:

  • SHARE highs and lows of your day
  • READ a verse from the Bible
  • TALK about how that verse might relate to the highs and lows of your day
  • PRAY for one another's highs and lows, for your family, and for the world
  • BLESS one another by tracing the sign of the cross on one another's forehead or palm as a reminder that you belong to God and one another

Sharing, reading, talking, praying and blessing. Five things, five nights a week, over and over until it becomes "that thing our family always does." What might happen as family members share their highs and lows? What might change as they really listen to one another's highs and lows? What might parents experience as they hear the prayers of their children for them (and vice versa)? Would it be a good practice to regularly talk about how the Bible relates to our everyday lives?


Consider starting the FAITH 5 in your church by identifying five families willing to commit to trying it for five weeks (catching the theme here?) and then, in worship, have these families share what differences it made for them. Look for ways to incorporate the FAITH 5 into LOGOS at your church -- perhaps in Bible study or with table families. I would love to hear about your experiences! Please share them with me -- via Facebook, email or on our website.


In Christ,


Liz Perraud

Executive Director

GenOn Ministries

cell phone: 443-255-8492

work phone: 877-937-2572


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Parents Corner: Equipping parents for faith development at home
Shirley Carlson, La Crescenta Presbyterian Church, California

God has entrusted parents with an awesome responsibility. Deuteronomy 6:7 says we're to instruct our children in God's ways, repeatedly.


GenOn's "Family Round the Table" is an excellent, faith-oriented and fun resource that helps parents with their children's faith development at home. It provides 156 LOGOS-style lesson plans, as well as menus and recipes. You can do any or all of the four parts of each lesson plan, which are adaptable to different ages.


You can buy "Family 'Round the Table" for $10 through the GenOn Ministries' website. You can also buy a 99-cent app from iTunes.


A good family devotional is also important for home-based faith development. My favorites are "Five-Minute Devotions for Children: Celebrating God's World as a Family," by Pamela Kennedy ($13); and "Grace for the Moment," by Max Lucado ($10). Check out Amazon for more options.



Also, some free online resources include:

In This Issue
 One Great Idea  
One Great Idea
Thanks to Sarah Walker Cleaveland
for the great idea!


Oct. 18, Peralta, N.M.

Oct. 25, Guelph, Ontario





Coming soon...


Intergenerational VBS


All God's Children: 
The Church Family Gathers for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany



Creating Intergenerational Events Workshop


Sept. 22, Parish Resource Center, Lancaster, Pa. 



LOGOS User Guide

$100 through year-end

Need games, graces or thanks? Check out our free LOGOS Ideas Collection - LOGOS ideas

from LOGOS churches. 


We want your ideas, too. Contact for more information. 

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