March 4, 2015
Apply now: NEW Executive Institute seeks
women headed for the top

Emerging executives may apply now for The NEW Executive Institute, a year-long leadership development course designed to empower, engage and advance women in the retail and consumer goods industry. High-potential women will learn to guide their organizations to the next level at three off-site immersion sessions, a series of webinars and conference calls, one-on-one coaching sessions and follow-on leadership development through the NEW Executive Institute Alumni Support Network. Online applications will be accepted until June 26. The Institute is limited to 32 participants; NEW sponsoring companies are given priority. Learn more. View sample application and apply now. Download prospectus.

The 3 Cs of building
a credible personal brand
by Betsy Hosick
When discussing emerging leaders and their potential, we often talk about the importance of establishing a personal brand. But rarely do we openly discuss an important component of any personal brand: Credibility.  
NEW spring event season open:
17 events in March

Network members and supporters can build their networks and leadership skills at three NEW webinars and 14 regional events in March. Emerging leaders will receive real-world career advice at Innovation You and Leadership Academy webinars and learning events in Northwest Arkansas and Western Michigan. They will connect with other members at mentoring events in New England, Northern California and Southern California and informal mixers in Atlanta, the Carolinas, FloridaNew England, New York Metro, Northwest Arkansas and Southern California. Members also are invited to a North Central Texas reception and New York Metro region strategy meeting. View NEW Calendar.

Management guru Daniel Pink to keynote NEW Forum
Members move beyond "balance" in NW Arkansas
4 moving videos: NEW "It's Time" launch at FMI Midwinter 
Celebrate Women's History Month, sign our Wall of Change
Featured Partner
Member Spotlight

Nicole Wright

Acosta Sales & Marketing