Design the next Sons of Italy Foundation® T-Shirt!
How would you like a chance for your artwork to appear on t-shirts that are distributed to help a great cause?
The Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) will send t-shirts in 2016 as gifts to individuals who support the SIF's charitable programs. Skilled graphic designers are encouraged to submit artwork to be considered for the shirt's final design. Your design could be the one that is proudly worn by thousands of Italian Americans and others who support the work of the SIF!

How will your design reflect pride in the Italian American heritage?

Samples of previous t-shirt designs. All designs © Sons of Italy Foundation®
  • Original design (containing no copyrighted material) must include "Sons of Italy®" and "2016" and reflect Italian American heritage and pride. 
  • Final artwork resolution must be 300 dpi designed at minimum dimensions of 8" wide X 10" high. 
  • Final artwork must be saved and submitted as a .jpg, .tif, .psd, .eps or vector art file. 
  • A low-resolution version of the design file must be submitted to by Jan. 8, 2016, for design to be considered. (Winning designer will be asked to submit a final high-resolution design file according to specs above.) 
  • No entries will be accepted by mail.

The SIF, a 501(c)(3) organization, reserves the right to cancel contest at any time. · In the event a thematically and technically appropriate design is not submitted by deadline, the SIF reserves the right to not select a final design from the entries, and may use its own design on the t-shirt. · A small prize, to be determined by the SIF, will be presented to the winner. There are no substitutions, exchanges, or refunds. · Entrant of winning design must agree to make changes to design to make it compliant with SIF theme/branding if necessary, and supply a final version of design by Jan. 26, 2016. · Winning design will appear on the 2016 t-shirt, with designer's name in accompanying letter and/or in other SIF publications as appropriate. · The SIF reserves all ownership and copyright to winning design. Submission of design constitutes entrant's agreement to these rules and entry requirements noted above. · The SIF takes no responsibility for designs not received or not retrieved from an entrant's cloud/storage location.