February 2015

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Order Sons of Italy in America® founder Vincenzo Sellaro was a knight? To learn more, click here.

Thanks to you, the Sons of Italy has contributed $2 million to the Cooley's Anemia Foundation. With your continued support, we can cure this terrible disease. Learn how to make a donation, here

Febbraio Fenomenale!

Sons of Italy Scholarship Deadline Approaching

SIF national scholarship winners

Through the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons of Italy in America has awarded nearly $59 million in scholarships to date.


In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $4,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition. These figures and the number of scholarships may vary according to funding each year. 


To learn more about this year's scholarships, click here

All scholarship materials must be postmarked by February 28, 2015.

Save the Date: NELA Gala is coming!

Look for more information in upcoming Questo Mese newsletters, and on our website.
Sons of Italy® Sustaining Patrons Circle

The Sons of Italy® Sustaining Patrons Circle is a special recognition society for a group of dedicated philanthropists making recurring monthly gifts to carry on the work of the Sons of Italy Foundation®. Sustaining Patrons Circle members are an important component of the SIF's ability to continue crucial support for its programs and causes.



Recipe Corner: Easy Pasta Fagioli

Last month, we posted a delicious recipe for easy pasta fagioli. With winter in full strength, we love this easy soup recipe that will keep us warm on those cold days. For the full recipe, visit our blog.



Italian 101: Months of the Year
As the the year continues along, try to introduce a little Italian along the way! 

Whether you already know the months, need a refresher, or are just learning for the first time, we've got you covered with our list of the months below!



Study Italian Culture through Unique Summer Program 

This summer, the John. D. Calandra Italian American Institute is offering an unique and exciting opportunity to study Italian culture.


The Italian Diaspora Studies Summer School is a three-week summer program at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende) that takes place June 15 through July 3. 

The Italian Diaspora Studies Summer School is open to graduate students (Doctorate; advanced MA students may be considered), professors from colleges and universities worldwide, and independent scholars. 


The application deadline is March 1, 2015. Click here to learn more about the program and to download an application.

Explore Italy: Tuscan Holiday and the Eternal City


Sons of Italy® Presents:
A Tuscan Holiday and the Eternal City

This spring and fall, travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours! With

prices starting at $3,399, see Tuscany and Rome this April or depart in October. The price of the trip includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides. 

To download a brochure and for more information, click here.

Trips to other regions in Italy are also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here.


For more information or to book your trip, email mpisano@unitours.com or call 1.800.777.7432. 

Member Benefits Featured Discount: MetLife

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:



OSIA members now have access to affordable insurance from MetLife. And your acceptance is guaranteed. 


As a Sons of Italy® member, you no longer have to worry about how your family will cover unpaid debts or final expenses. With this life insurance coverage, you can give your family peace of mind. Get your quote and apply now for MetLife Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance. 

Click here or call 1-855-556-3842 today, and remember to mention code C0525 to receive your member discount. 

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!        
Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA Archives, 1953: 






Pictured is a news clip from 1953 of "Rocky" Marciano, who was a Sons of Italy member. You can read more about the man who inspired the film Rocky by visiting our blog.

Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through OSIA.org, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more