January 2015

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Italian children receive their gifts on the eve of the Epiphany from La Befana. To read more about this Italian tradition, click here.

Thanks to you, the Sons of Italy has contributed $2 million to the Cooley's Anemia Foundation. With your continued support, we can cure this terrible disease. Learn how to make a donation, here

Gennaio Gioviale!

Sons of Italy Scholarship Competition Underway

Through the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons of Italy in America has awarded nearly $59 million in scholarships to date.


In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $4,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition. These figures and the number of scholarships may vary according to funding each year.


To learn more about this year's scholarships, click here.


SIF Presents Van at Help Our Military Heroes Ceremony

Sons of Italy Foundation Treasurer Frank Panessa attended the Help Our Military Heroes (HOMH) ceremony on behalf of the foundation on December 8, 2014. During the ceremony, he presented the keys to a handicap-designed van to CPL (Ret) Joshua Himan at the USO Building on Walter Reed Campus in Bethesda, MD.


Last spring, during its 2014 NELA Gala, the SIF donated $20,000 to HOMH to help equip this vehicle for CPL Himan who was seriously wounded in 2009.

Italian Universities Open Doors to U.S. Students

American students who want to study at Italian universities for a semester or more are now automatically accepted in Italy, thanks to new enrollment requirements the Italian government enacted last year.


Under the new provisions, American high school graduates will be automatically accepted into the first year of any Italian university program if they have passed at least three Advanced Placement (AP) exams. One AP exam must be Italian and the other two related to the course of study being pursued at the Italian university.


American high school graduates who have not studied Italian can still enroll in Italian institutions and take courses entirely in English as long as they have passed at least three AP exams in subjects related to their Italian university courses.


College students who have completed two or more years at an American college or university can also enroll in Italian institutions if they have passed at least four AP exams in subjects related to their Italian studies, including the AP Italian exam. Click here for more information.  


Italian 101: Neighborhood Vocabulary
As the holiday hustle and bustle dies down and you get back to normality, try to introduce a little Italian along the way! 

Whether you're getting your hair cut at the salon or taking the kids to the park, we've got you covered with our list of neighborhood vocabulary words below!


Post Officeufficio postale
Hair Salonparrucchiere
Movie Theatercinema


Exclusive Preview of Winter 2015 Italian America

As an OSIA supporter, we're giving you an exclusive peek into what's to come in the winter 2015 issue of Italian America magazine, due out later this month. 



Italian Studies in American Schools

By Dona De Sanctis



Tips on Genealogy Research

By John Philip Colletta



Meet Singer & Actress Mary Testa

By Adriana Trigiani  



A Rich Folklore Tradition

By Karen Haid 


Calling all graphic designers! Design the SIF's 2015 T-shirt 

How would you like a chance for your artwork to appear on t-shirts that are distributed to help a great cause?
The Sons of Italy Foundation®(SIF) will send t-shirts in 2015 as gifts to individuals who support the SIF's charitable programs. Skilled graphic designers are encouraged to submit artwork to be considered for the shirt's final design.
Your design could be the one that is proudly worn by thousands of Italian Americans and others who support the work of the SIF!

How will your design reflect pride in the Italian American heritage?

Click here to learn more about the contest!


OSIA Offers Five New Trips to Italy for 2015


Sons of Italy® Presents:
Nine Day Tours of Italy


Travel with the Sons of Italy® and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details next year! With prices starting at $3,099, each tour of Italy offers multiple departure dates between April-October 2015 to fit your schedule. The price of each trip includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodationsbreakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

Check out the trip itineraries for 2015: 

For more information or to book your trip, email mpisano@unitours.com or call 1.800.777.7432. 

Member Benefits Featured Discount: Office Depot

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all OSIA supporters:


OSIA members can save up to 80% off at Office Depot! Shop online or print off your Store Purchasing Card from home, to shop in stores! 


When you print your card from home, bring it to the copy center at any Office Depot and they will laminate it for you for free! First-time online shoppers save an extra 15% off orders over $50! Enter coupon code 50591873 at checkout (see site for details, some exclusions apply). Start saving today!

Learn more about OSIA Membership and see all the incredible Benefits & Discounts available to members. 

Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages!        
Also, make sure to check out the latest post on the OSIA Blog!
Photo Blast from the Past

From the OSIA Archives, 1937: 




Pictured is the OSIA Supreme Convention at the Medinah Club in Chicago, October 24, 1937. National officers are seated at the three long tables, center left. The first supreme convention took place in 1914, and since 1917 the Order has held national conventions biennially. 

Advertising with OSIA 

If you are interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through OSIA.org, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine, email us to learn more